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Alrighty guys, grab your tissue boxes, put on a good song (There are some that Gabi added down somewhere, but I recommend Kissing in Cars since it's Vic that actually sings it,) and buckle up for the last part of Interns (*sobs*)

It has been a whole year and college life has simply been the best time of my life. My classes are amazing, I have made some pretty good friends, all of my professors are really laid back, and best of all I got to spend my every waking moment with the love of my life, Victor Vincent Fuentes. The beautiful man who invades my every thought, the man of my dreams, and the man sitting right across from me this very moment.

We're at my favorite café, this little outside restaurant that we have gone to pretty much every day for lunch. It's in the park next to a beautiful little pond, it all looks like a painting or something and it's all just breathtaking. I'm in a beautiful place with a gorgeous man who loves me as much as I love him.

I study his face and memorize every detail of him. His nose ring that he got a couple months ago, his shoulder length curly mocha brown hair, the chocolate brown eyes that I could just get lost in forever. The way his luscious lips curl into a smile when he catches me staring at him, which is what he's doing right now. He laughs and I shake myself from my little daze.

"Sorry what?" I ask him now paying close attention to what he has to tell me.

"I said: I have something really important that I need to ask you, now will you walk with me?" He asks me with obvious amusement in his voice. I grin at him before nodding and standing up. Vic holds his hand out and I graciously take it.

"Where are we going?"

"Our special place." He tells me simply and I can't stop the wide smile that breaks out on my face. A couple months after school started, Vic and I stumbled upon this little hidden grove and to our knowledge it's pretty much been untouched. We've never seen anybody else there so we just call it our place.

It's one of those places where you see it and you immediately fall in love with it. There's this large rock structure that every evening the sun will disappear behind it and sun beams will glance off the it and its just perfect. There's also this huge willow tree that has draping limbs that covers the ground and it's just an amazingly romantic place to have picnics, spend the day with the love of your life, make love under it- which Vic and I have done many times- and it's just perfect like everything in our place, with the tall trees, the shrubbery even the luscious soft green grass the grows wildly with wildflowers covering the area. It's our special place.

We swing our hands as we walk and kiss each other randomly throughout the walk, ignoring the looks of disdain and disgust we get from some people and smiling at the ones who can clearly see the love that we share for each other. Not everybody can have a love like ours it's something that's rare and uncommon in our world nowadays. I sound like some love-struck teenager but that's what this is, a love like no other something not everybody can have in their lives which in my opinion is really sad because they will never experience the love that I have.

Vic and I make small talk along the way, mainly talking about school or our music, we both want to be known singers but know it probably won't happen so we just settle for writing music and singing it to each other or for like small clubs, we're famous on campus and around town but that's pretty much it, and I like it that way. I don't want to be famous worldwide and have to tour all the time 'cus then I won't have any time for what truly matters,

Vic. He's all that matters to me, well besides my family, who by the way have been completely supportive the whole time, and his has as well. Mama Fuentes adores me and Papa Fuentes approves which enough for me. Mike, pretty much just likes to give Vic and I a hard time since we seem to never be able to keep our hands off of each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2017 ⏰

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