Chapter 20

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Don't quote me on it but I think today is going to be the last update for this book!! I forgot how much I loved it...

Sitting in this bus for the past day and a half has just been miserable. We should be home in about an hour. Right now though, everybody is asleep. Justin has taken over the radio and is playing friggin classical music and my phones dead. I just- I can't take this! And I miss Vic! I'm having sexican withdrawls and it's not pleasant!

"Hey Kells," Justin calls, "You still awake?"


He turns and looks back at. "Come up here, we've got to talk."

I sigh, pushing up from my seat and shuffle towards the front. Justin nods towards the empty passenger seat, I slowly sit down and wait nervously for what my youth pastor has to say.

"So, Haley told me you finally did it." He states, looking at the road completely relaxed.

I glance over at him confused. What the hell is he talking about?

"Finally did what?"

"Admit what we have all known for a while now-"

"That you're gayer than a $3 bill." Alan interjects. I flip him off and Justin gives me a dirty look before continuing.

"Anyways, I'm proud that you have a finally come out of the closet about it."

Wait- my whole youth group already knew, yet they didn't say anything about it?! And none of them treated me any differently?

"When did you first notice it?" I ask him curiously, trying to figure out what I did for them to notice my sexuality.

"We all know about the guys you snuck around with at school and the fact that every time one of the guys tried to hook you up with a girl, you were disgusted just at the thought, so well we all pretty much took bets on it. Oli and I won!" I glare at him. Why are people making bets on my sexuality? I mean seriously, it's nobody's business except my own! And my parents... Oh god. I blanch at the thought.

"Do-do my parents know?" I stutter, nervous at the idea. Justin gives me a sidelong glance, chuckling at my hyperventilating. If they know I'm- what if they kick me out? I don't have anywhere to go for the next 2 weeks and-

"No, not that i'm aware of. I think they are pretty much oblivious to it all. Well you know how they are." He replies and I nod. My parents don't really pay attention unless it has to do with work or church. I don't care, honestly it's actually pretty convenient if you ask me.

"Hey Justin, do you have a car charger? My phone is D.E.A.D dead, and I need to talk to the love of my life." I ask him dramatically.

Suddenly, a horrible thought hits me. What if Vic finds someone better? What if during our two weeks apart Vic falls out of love with me? What if his parents like put him in one of those places where they 'pray away the gay' or they like talk him out of it all, and tell him its just a phase or something? Or what if he thinks of it all as a summer fling or something and doesn't even care about me?

I try to shake it off, grabbing the charger in Justin's awaiting hand and plug it in. Plug it in... Vic plugged it in.... and it felt SO good. I miss him so much already.

"So his name's Vic?" Justin asks. I nod distractedly as I hook my phone up, daydreaming about the other night and how heavenly it all was and just... perfection. Vic is a fucking sex god and will probably be the most talented boyfriend when it comes to... I guess you can call it love making?

It's been about a day and a half since we've done it and the pain in my butt is just now starting to fade. I can only imagine how Vic is feeling. He's probably feeling really good right now. He probably doesn't hurt at all and everything is probably just peachy for him. He'll probably go brag about it to all his friends, about his first time getting laid. Then again, he would probably also have to tell them that he's gay. I just really hope he's not THAT guy. I mean I'm also scared that he'll find somebody else, so I guess that should be the least of my worries right now. I love him a lot and- "Kellin!" I glance over at my youth pastor.

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