Chapter 4

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All day today Vics been acting weird around me. I honestly don't understand why either. I didn't do anything. Everything that happened between us last night was all initiated by him.

He flirted with ME, he pinned ME against the refrigerator, and lets not forget he's the one who kissed ME!

I wonder if he's on his man period or something. Maybe he's still in the closet and doesn't want to admit that he's gay. Maybe he's still confused! I don't know but it makes no fu-freaking sense.

I think I'm just overthinking this. I tend to do that alot. I would talk to him about it but I have a feeling he's just going to ignore me. Which honestly sucks because I've got this freaking crush that won't go away. And knowing Mr. Perfect, he's probably surrounded by people and girls. Bet if they knew that he's gay they would never crowd him like that again. That's Christians for ya.

"Hey Kells, can I get an ice cream? I'm like dying over here!" Austin exclaims and I roll my eyes. All day Austin comes over and begs for food he's seriously a human vacuum and its freaky.

"Sure thing, " I grab a cone, "Chocolate or vanilla?"


"So are you having fun so far?" I ask making small talk just dying to get to my spot so I can check Vic out .

"Yeah- no unlike you and Mr.Popular I have gotten no girls to flirt with me, or any numbers! And how many have you gotten?" I shrug and dig around in my pocket grabbing the handful of papers and napkin with numbers. "Like 15?"

Austin scoffs, "Seriously- what's wrong with these girls? I'm a sex magnet , I should have girls flocking towards me!" I laugh.

"Well I'm actually getting tired of it! I mean I've got my sights set on someone else, but they don't like me like that. These girls are insane I don't even know-"

"Hi, uh Kellin right?" A girl who's probably 17 asks walking up.

"Yeah? What can I get for ya?" I ask her leaning onto the counter and crossing my legs.

"Well there's two things that I need, a bottle of water and you to sing for me."

I chuckle at her flirting attempt and grab her water bottle.

"Well that's $1.25 for the water and a no to the singing." the girls pokes her lower lip out pouting .

"Pwease!! Your voice is just beautiful just a little bit."

"Yeah Kells just sing something!" Austin says teasingly with his hands folded together. They both give me the puppy dog face and I drop my head sighing.

"Fine but only a couple lines, I'm supposed to be working."

The girl claps excitedly and turns to a group of girls under a tree. "He said yes!!" she screeches and they all come running over causing my eyes to widen.

"Wait I thought..." I trail off as a crowd surrounds my stand. I glower over at a laughing Austin. "Dude! Help me out here!"

"Come on Kellin just sing! " one of the younger girls ask. I shake my head and sigh dramatically.

"Alright, the song I'm gonna sing is just a little bit of something I've been writing lately, is that okay with you all?" Of course the crowd of girls nod enthusiastically."Is there a right way for how this goes? You've got your friends And you've got your foes They want a piece of something hot Forget your name like they forgot Oh, ain't that something?" I finish there and the crowd breaks out in applause.

"You wrote that!?" one girl screeches and I smile.

"Did it suck?" I ask rather nervously. I've never really let people hear the songs I write.

Interns {Kellic} (boyxboy)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें