Chapter 21 (Final)

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Lol I was right XD

College. This is it.

I stand on the curb of the huge building after being dropped off by my family. It was about 4 pm right now and the sun was setting a little. Looking at the building, it looked very open and it had many windows and dark grey concrete walls. I can't believe I've finally made it here after so long. It felt like forever, but I made it. I actually made it! I looked around at everything and everyone and tried to contain myself from all the excitement and nasceousness I felt.

My mom was crying while my dad just gave me a lecture about no beer, parties, or sex because they are wrong in God's eyes and stuff. I didn't pay much attention due to the fact that I have freaking anxiety from this whole thing. I've spent two and a half LONG weeks away from Vic, and I tried not to question anything during that time because I knew I would just be making it worse. I need to be able to trust him and believe what he said to be true because if I don't, I'll start to doubt everything.

I still don't know what I'll do if he's not here or if anything happened while we were apart. I'm sure nothing would happen over only just two and a half weeks right? Besides, Vic's an amazing guy and I don't see him doing that to me. He wouldn't cheat on me with someone else, would he? No he wouldn't because I was his first, and you don't just forget your first. I will never forget him, he was amazing for his first time. It was surprising that he was a virgin before that, but I believe him because I know how religion guilts you into it. I was a virgin myself for the exact same reason, so it's not that unbelievable.

I just hope I can see him at all. I know we probably won't have the same room, but at least being able to have some time to ourselves would be perfect to me. I just hope he's here so we can have that. If he's not... NO STOP KELLIN! STOP DOUBTING HIM!

"Kellin we're really going to miss you so much sweetie." My mother made me snap out of it. I turned and nodded a little, anxious to get to my room already. I swiftly hugged my mom and dad then stood briefly in front of them.

"Bye Mom, bye Dad." I told them both. It was a little awkward considering both my mom and dad knew that I'm gay... super awkward.

"By Kellin," My mom teared up yet again, "Our little boy has grown up so fast!" She sobbed for the fourth time into my dad's suit.

"Mom it'll be fine. I got this okay? I'll be fine." I reassured her. My dad just gave me a nod before speaking, "Mary, it'll be fine. He's a good kid and he's got a good head on his shoulders just like his old man." He winked at me while holding my mother against his chest. I smiled at him.

"I'll come home for Thanksgiving, okay? I'll be fine. " I said, picking up my suitcase and duffle bag. My father nodded and smiled.

"Goodbye son." My father said. He pulled my mother back to the car. And with that, I took off towards the large building.

I walked all the way up to the front if the building where the huge door stood, but unfortunately I came across a young female administrative assistant with short brown hair and a valley girl voice who gave me the entire campus rundown:

"Hi! Welcome to CIAU! Here's your official map of the entire campus," She was so annoying, I wanted to throw up on her university shirt that she tied above her pierced bellybutton, "What's your name?" She asked.

"Kellin. Kellin Qui- uh, Bostwick." I replied, forgetting that I had to give her my real last name. I really wanted to get this over with so I can get inside and into my new dorm room.

"Okay Kellin," She dug through the folder that had a "B" on it, "Here you go! Here's your room number and schedule of classes." She handed me the paper and I took it from her quickly, looking everything over briefly.

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