Chapter 18

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I don't know who said waking up after having sex for the first time wrapped in your boyfriends arms outside by the lake is the best thing in the world, but they lied! My ass hurts like hell and my nose itches like a motherfucker!

"Vic!" I moan, tapping his forehead with a finger, only for him to tighten his grip on me and mutter, "Five more minutes babe, just five more minutes," and start snoring softly once again. I groan, throw my head back, and try to wiggle out of his grip to scratch my itchy face.

"Vic, I swear to god, if you don't let go of me right now, we are never having sex again!" I yell out causing Vic to let go and sit straight up, looking around frantically.

"What!?" He turns and looks over at me and bursts out laughing. I just scowl and scratch my nose. Ah, I feel much better now.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Because you have bed head and its just the most adorable thing in the world." He kisses my cheek.

"It's not funny Vic, and my ass hurts!" I grumble. I try my best to stand up, gasping out as something that shouldn't twinges, causing Vic to laugh harder. I am so glad this only happens the first time you have sex, right? Vic chuckles and checks me out. I stick my tongue out at him childishly.

"Well that's your fault! You shouldn't have told me, 'Oh, Vic!'" He gasps out mocking me, "'Faster, harder! Oh god babe!'" He bursts out laughing. Lightly, I hit his chest. Even though, yeah I'll admit, I liked it rough.

"Really babe, you wanna go there?" I ask, walking towards him seductively, ignoring the sharp pain that hits me with every step. "'Oh-oh Kells, you're perfect!'" I mimic pressing my hands to his chest, grabbing two fistfuls of his shirt and pulling him towards me, kissing him softly. Vic deepens the kiss, biting my bottom lip softly, asking for entrance. But of course me being me, I deny him entrance. He smirks against my mouth as his hands start to wander. I felt his hand palming me slightly, while the other traveled to my hair, pulling it softly. I gasp loudly. His tongue invades my mouth, exploring its contours.

I wrap my arms around his neck and his hands move to the backs of my thighs, picking me up. I wrap them around his waist, grinding against him ever so slowly, causing him to shiver.

"Are you serious!?" Austin yells, scaring us both. Vic drops me, surprised, and I pull him with me causing us to burst out in loud guffaws, tangled in each others limbs. Austin glares down at us, "Do you two EVER stop? I'm serious every time I see you two you're shoving your tongues down each others throats! Ugh! I do not want to witness this!" He complains. I kiss Vic once again before pulling away to look at a highly annoyed Austin.

I give a hand to Vic and pull him up, "Oh Austin, just remember this when you fall in love." Vic states causing me to grin evilly at my best friend, "Oh definitely. I plan on giving you shit when you meet that special someone who you can't stop kissing no matter how hard you try, because you just crave them like nothing else." I smirk. Austin glares at us and Vic wipes away an imaginary tear from his eye.

"Poetry babe, pure poetry." He tells me, causing me to giggle and blush slightly.

"I swear you two disgust me! Anyways, sorry to ruin your little date, but Vic, your churches driver said you will be leaving at 5;30. Kells, our bus is leaving around the same time so you need to clean up your mess from your little romantic night," He gestured to our messy blanket, "and get packed because its 9 and I know you two are probably going to want to spend your last days together, so I'll just leave you to clean up your mess and- wait! Is that lube!?" He glared towards the bottle, "Did you two actually do it last night? In the open? Where did you even get that?

I smirk and start folding the comforter, "Vic snatched it from Pastor Urie. seems Brendon and Ryan are closer than any of us thought." I wiggled my eyebrows suggestively.

Austin's jaw drops, "Are you serious?" Vic and I both start laughing at his shocked expression.

"Hey babe, don't bother cleaning. I plan on just leaving it for the groundskeeper to pick it all up." I frown at him, but drop the comforter and grab his hand.

"Well come on, we've gotta pack so we can just spend the rest of the day together." I tell him. And with that, we follow a very quiet, and very uncomfortable, Austin back to the cabin.


Ever since we came out, everybody has pretty much treated us differently. Well everybody besides our cabin mates. They are all pretty supportive of us, but besides our cabin mates and our other 'real' friends, people avoid us like the plague and to be honest it kind of hurts. Vic says to just ignore it, but I can tell it hurts him too. We didn't choose to be this way, we were born gay. But it's like no one cares about that, they just are disgusted that two guys are in love with each other. But that's like a gay guy hating every straight person and thinking that its absolutely disgusting! We were born differently.

I'm glad that we're leaving today though, because all the looks of disgust and the fact that every time I went on stage to sing, a lot of the interns would actually walk out of the chapel!

It just sucks that it's been like this all week. But then I get to be with Vic, and I forget all the hate and everything else and I feel better. It's just if it's this bad with a bunch of young adults and teenagers, then when I come out of the closet publicly at home, it is most likely going to be absolute hell.

Right now I'm just packing my bags and flirting back and forth with my beautiful boyfriend, who keeps teasing me about the fact that my ass is seriously still in pain. It's sad that today is the last time I will get to see Vic face to face, well, last time for 3 weeks, then we will be going to college together and I'll get to see him every day. I honestly can't wait for that because, well, who wouldn't want to see Victor Fuentes every single day? An idiot, thats who!

"Hey babe," Vic says after a few minutes of silence, "Are you planning on getting an apartment, or are you staying in the dorms?" My brow furrows at his random question.

"I kinda want to get the full college experience, so I was planning on staying in a dorm, why?"

"Because I am too. So if we want to continue having...erm... sexual intercourse...we will have to figure out a way because our roommates won't be very happy with us if we had sex in the same room as them. Or if we kicked them out everytime we want sex...and I don't want to have to get a hotel room every time we need to get laid." One of the guys snorts and we glance over at Alan, Alex, and Jack all packing as well.

"What?" I ask them innocently.

"Oh nothing, just the fact that you two are discussing your sex life like its nothing." Jack responds as he folds his comforter. We shrug and resume when I look up and smile mischievously. He returns the look with a devious glint in his eyes.

"And I really don't think they would be very happy hearing me moan your name loudly when you slam into me like you did last night." I tell him loudly, so all the guys could hear. I was seriously trying not to laugh. One of the guys gags.

"Or the fact that every time I suck you off, you tend to get very verbal and foul mouth on me." Vic winks, causing me to snicker. Alan walks out of the room with a, "Come and get me when they stop talking about it." I look back at the others and they're both looking at us in shock.

"Wait, you guys have had SEX while we've been here?" Alex asks in wonder. Vic shrugs.

"Yeah among other things," He bites his lip, "We've only had sex once, but we would mess around pretty much every night, and you guys had no clue." He looks at Alex with an innocent, yet apologetic look.

Both of the guys looked at us freaked out, "Wait- and you never got caught?" Jack asks us in shock. I shake my head.

"Well, Katelynn caught us once, but we were just sleeping. And so did Austin, but I think we were just kissing when he saw though." The duo nods, probably unsure how to respond, and resumes packing.

"Alan, we're done talking about sex!" Vic calls, laughing.

"For now!" I say right after. Vic and I both laugh. We both turn our heads and watch Alan as he slowly walks in with his fingers in his ears.

"Please, no more! I'm still a virgin and you're unvirgining my ears."

Arching my brow, I turn and look at Vic and mouth: "Unvirgining?" Vic just shakes his head and finishes up packing so we can spend out last few hours together.

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