Chapter 16

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I groan as the sun hits my eyes, I'm never drinking again. I think Vic is going to kill me when he realizes im awake. He gave me one rule and I broke it.

"Hey guys! Kellins awake!" Austin yells causing a jack hammer to go off in my brain.

"Shut up." I bury my face into my pillow.

"No I dont think so, you've got to go to worship practice and let everybody hear that heavenly voice of yours." Alex yells in my ear. I think their doing this just to be mean now. My heads throbbing in pain, I've got a hangover and everybody is making it worse.

"Vic!" I whine,"Tell them to stop!"

"Guys, you've had hangovers before, give him a break." Vic says defending me. I smile at him as he sits on my bed with two pills and a glass of water which I graciously take.

"You're not mad about last night are you?" I ask after taking the medication. Vic smiles and kisses my forehead, "Oh I'm pissed, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to take care of you. I told you not to go crazy. Do you even remember last night?"

What do I remember?

"Last thing I remember was Brendon and Ryan were making out and Vic was grinding against me telling me to have fun." The guys all groan at the last part and Vic blushes lightly.

"Nothing else?" Frank asks me amused. I shake my head.

"You don't remember telling Vic to fuck you in front of us?" Alex asks with a smile.

"Or that you tried to take off all of your clothes and go skinny dipping?" Gerard asks laughing lightly.

"Or the fact that you announced to the world that you were the embodiment of Christ?" Alan asks and they all look at my face waiting for a reaction.

My jaw drops and I look over at Vic's shaking form as he tried to hold in his laughs.

"I tried to get you to fuck me and you ignored all this?" I tease, causing him to stop and roll his eyes.

I then think about what else they said and start remembering bits and pieces, flashbacks of last night. I blush and my face falls in my hands. Great, I'm not a funny drunk, I'm a freaking idiot when I'm drunk.

"Vic never let me get drunk again." I moan, completely embarrassed. He hugs me from behind and kisses my cheek, "Oh believe me, when you're with me your never touching alcohol again." The guys all laugh at Vic's seriousness, "Now get ready, it's Sunday, we have meetings all day and you have practice this morning and we have to talk to Brendon about last night-"

"Why do we have talk to Brendon? I had a better idea in place and was planning on acting on it, I came up with it last night a remember it and I'm doing it." I ramble on probably not making any sense whatsoever, but who cares.

"Well what is it?" Vic asks and I look up at him with a devious glint in my eyes and tell the guys my plan.

"Kells are you sure you want to do this?" Vic asks nervously, "We can still get kicked out for this." I grin at my boyfriend and grab my phone out of my pants pocket from the shorts I wore last night and flick to a certain picture.

"Just because I was drunk doesn't mean anything, I got this picture of them last night and if they try to kick us out, I'll just send this to the guy who's over the whole youth division." Vic grins looking at me while all the guys start gagging as my phone gets passed around.

"Babe, have I ever told me that your an evil genius?"

I shake my head and kiss him softly, "No I'm not, I'm just devious at times. Now if you dont mind, I really need to get a shower." With that I grab my clothes and head to the shower room.


Vic and I walk hand in hand to the interns meeting, smiling as some of the more homophobic interns glare at us. We kiss before sitting down in our seats just to get a rise out of the others. I grin as Vic pulls me onto his lap wrapping his arms around me.

"Kellin, Vic, is there something we ought to know?" Brendon asks looking at us with disgust.

"Is there a problem? I'm just sitting on my boyfriends lap, some of the girls in here are doing the same with their boyfriends, what's the difference?" I ask innocently looking up at the front where Brendon and Ryan are both standing.

"Homosexuality is a sin and will not be tolerated at a Christian church camp." Ryan tells us sternly.

"That's a bit hypocritical, don't you think?" Vic asks obviously entertained. Both Ryan and Brendon look at us confused and Austin sends the picture to their phones with the threat and we watch as they both blanche.

"Now, do we have a problem? You seem to forget Ryan, and you too Brendon, my mother's good friends with the head of the whole youth department." Vic informs them and I grin, times like this is when I really love dating the golden boy who knows everybody.

"O-oh o-of course not, you two will be treated just like everybody else around here who's in a relationship, but you will have to abide by the same rules as the others, no PDA unless you're married and no sleeping in the same bed and-"

"Wait a second!" A guy named Craig interrupts, "Are you both forgetting that being a faggot is against the bible?!"

"Yea- that's not something I want to be around, its disgusting." A guy named Beau I think, says.

"Yes that's true, but you all forget that the bible also says to love them even though they are sinners." Gerard retorts and the next thing I know the whole rooms arguing about homosexuality and the pros and cons of it all, I grab Vic's hand and we sneak out if the meeting, not wanting to be there for a second longer.

"Well that did not go as planned." Vic mutters as I kiss the side of his mouth before he captures my lips with his.

"Who gives a fuck what they think? I love you and you love me. That's all that matters." I tell him as we pull away leaning my head against his, "Yeah you've got a point, but you do realize this last week is going to be hell above right?" Vic asks me and I smile.

"As long as I have you I'm okay." I smile happily.

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