Chapter 11

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I haven't been feeling too well today at all. I've been feeling extremely nauseous ever since I woke up this morning and I'm not sure if it's do to the heat or do to the fact that Vic and I have been fooling around after being active in hot weather all day. I honestly don't know what's wrong with me.

At least right now I'm heading to the nurses' dorm because I don't want to take any chances. I want to make sure everything's fine and dandy because that just the kind of person I am. And if there is something wrong with me, is like to know about it.

I steal a glance at Vic's killer body over at the volleyball court where there were two girls teams playing against each other. I love seeing him ref because he's so hot, and he's all tan...and he's just gorgeous. It's a little hard to explain, but I like seeing him act like an adult too. The way he talks to them like children and at the same time is all demanding and like an authority figure...It's such a turn on.

I look over at Vic one more time before I walk into the nurses' cabin. As soon as I walked in I was met by a perky, smiling blonde woman asking for my name.

"Uh, it's Kellin. I'm one of the interns here, and I have been feeling really nauseous all day." She nodded and wrote something on her clipboard.

"Okay Kellin, have a seat. One of the nurses will be out here to help you when they're finished giving the other kids their medication." She gestured towards the long line of chairs against the wall.

"Thanks." I said taking a seat all by myself in the first chair I saw. I waited for about ten minutes all by myself and I was bored out of my mind. I kept going over to the water fountain and taking long drinks just to have something to do. Yeah, I was THAT bored. I was having fantasies about Vic to pass the time after I finally realized that I'll be in here for quite a while. I looked at the clock and noticed I've been here for twenty whole minutes. Joy.

Suddenly a very familiar Mexican boy came rushing through the door carrying a girl that was moaning and groaning in pain. The nurse rushed out and took the girl from Vic's arms.

"What happened?" She asked sounding very professional and calm.

"She fell and twisted her ankle playing volleyball." Vic said calmly to the nurse.

"Okay, we'll take care of her. Why don't you go wait outside?" She asked.

"Sure." He said. He glanced over at me and gave me a questioning look before shrugging and walking out through the large doors and sitting down on the bench outside the door. Then a different nurse appeared from the doorway and looked at her clipboard scribbling something on it.

"Kellin Quinn?" She asked glancing at me. I nodded and stood up from my chair and walked into the room.

"Sit down sweetie." She gestured towards the patient's chair. I took a seat and she sat in her chair facing me.

"So you've been a little nauseous today, huh? Are you feeling any cramps or muscle pain?"

"No just really nauseous." I replied.

"Have you been drinking enough water?"

"I think so?" I stated but it came out more like a question.

"What about Gatorade?"

"No, not really. Should I?" She nodded.

"Yes, yes you should. It replaces all those electrolytes in your body that you've been sweating out this whole time."

"Oh... okay. Is that it then?" I asked.

"Not quite. I highly recommend that you don't do praise and worship tonight because you need some rest from too much activity." I nodded in agreement.

Interns {Kellic} (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now