Chapter 14

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The past 3 weeks have been bliss, absolute bliss. Vic and I have snuck small kisses or sweet moments whenever we can so of course anything involving that would be bliss. This is the weekend before the last week of camp and the interns are throwing a party for all the workers and everybody else with a bonfire by the lake, meaning Vic and I can't sneak out and do our little nightly ritual, so we were kind of bummed out about that. But with the way my throat is feeling, I'm probably just going to stay in the dorm room slowly dying.

Ok that's exaggerating a little bit, but my throat is killing me. Brendon bought me some tea that is supposed to help, but actually it just tastes like dirt. It's supposed to help my vocal chords or something like that, I don't know. I just want some coffee. Or Vic, he always makes me feel better. In fact I'm surprised we haven't been caught yet. We've been pretty careless lately.

"Hey Kells, are you going to the bonfire tonight?" Alex asks, slipping his shoes on. I scrunch my nose and take a drink of my dirt-like tea and shake my head no.

Jack hits the back of his head, "Dude have you heard him lately? His voice is freaking shot! He sounds like a dying whale just talking!" I glare at Jack and swat at him.

"Asshole." I croak, causing the guys to all laugh at me. I take a sip of tea silently wishing it was Starbucks classic blend.

"That sucks for you! Interns always throw the best parties, it's the only time alcohol is allowed." Gabe says plopping onto my bed. Just because we're Christians, people forget that we are still teenagers and young adults. However, it seems I'm going to miss this one.

I groan and look over at Austin, "Next year it's your job to make sure I never agree to singing every night for 3 months." I drink the last of the tea in disgust and lay the cup on the ground.

"Don't put that kind of pressure on me! Especially after everything else you put me through." He whined.

"What kind of pressure would that be? Dragging away all of his fan girls every day?" Frank teases and I glare at Austin giving him my evil eye for slipping up. He stammers trying to come up with an excuse when the door opens and Vic walks in carrying a coffee maker, a bag of Starbucks coffee grounds, and two mugs. I grin and mouth 'I love you' to him as he looks my way.

"Aw, ViccyPoo got KellyBean coffee!" Tony says, cheekily ducking when I throw my pillow at his head.

"Dont ever call me KellyBean! I will hurt you." I threaten my voice cracking slightly.

"What's wrong KellyBean? Don't tell me that you don't like your nickname, Katelynn would be crushed." Gabe taunts and I ram my elbow in a place the sun don't shine.

"Why??!" He groans pulling himself into a fetal position.

"Don't lay on my bed and make fun of me, that girl scared me!" I warn and take in a deep breath as a heavenly scent wafts through the room. I stare at the coffee brewing and Vic leaning against the counter with a smug smile obviously happy with himself.

"You, my friend, you're my hero." I smile at him which he immediately returns with one of his own, his eyes glimmering with love.

"Well it's almost time to go, so I will see you guys later, Vic are you coming?" Austin asks although he should already know the answer.

"Nah, parties aren't my thing, I'm just going to keep Kellin company." With that, the guys all walk out, murmuring about how we're "party poopers" and other things I couldn't understand. After they all leave I get up from my bed and walk towards my beautiful Mexican and put my hands on either side of him keeping him place. "I thought they would never leave. " I whisper looking into his eyes.

Interns {Kellic} (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now