Chapter 12

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That's how I felt. I'm pretty much still in denial about what happened last night. I just don't get how one day Vic and I are making out under the stars and flirting then the next he wants to break it off. Maybe he took what Katelynn said to heart maybe he really thinks homosexuality is a sin. I dont know or care really, because he broke my heart. And now here I am numb from all emotion and standing next to the one who did this to me. A kid who looks about maybe 13 walks up panting and hands me his water bottle. "Can I get a refill?"

I smile, "Sure thing kid," I grab his bottle and fill it full of ice water and hand it back to him. "That will be a quarter."

The kid looks up at me,"Isn't that his snapback?" He asks pointing to Vic and motioning to the hat resting on my head. I try not to glance at Vic as my face falls. Out of the corner of my eye I see his has as well.

"Yeah, I gave it to him as a late birthday present." Vic tells him shakily not looking at me. I bite my lip as the kid looks over at me.

"Oh, happy late birthday... When was it?"

I smirk, " April 24th." His brow furrows and he shakes his head turning to walk away. I stifle a giggle and glance down. The brat didn't pay. Great now I feel cheated! I just want my quarter, I worked hard for it! Why couldn't he just give me the quarter- he knew I needed it and yet he didn't even pay me. I swear what is wrong with guys? They take and they take and then when it gets hard they flake out and leave! I groan and slam my head against the counter. Its just a quarter Kells there's tons of them out there, I just need to find a new shinier one. Great. Now im comparing my relationship to a quarter, what's wrong with me?

"Hey Vic, what's wrong with Kellin?"

My ears perk up waiting for Vics answer, "Dont ask me, I wouldn't know or care." he mumbles as footsteps retreat. Causing me to bang my head against the counter. Again. Someone pokes my head. "Hey kells, buddy talk to me, what happened?"

I groan. "Ididntgetmyquarter."

"What? Kellin sit up I cant understand you."

I slowly lift my head and stare up at Austins looming form.

"Some kid didn't give me my quarter!" I whine and drop my head back onto the counter.

"So- lemme get this straight... Your heartbroken over a quarter? " He asks confused and I grunt. "Can I ask why?" I sigh and rest my head in my hands.

"I worked so hard for that quarter, I risked everything for it and now he-its gone and im never going to get it back!" I wail as tears start falling. Austin pats my back awkwardly and comfortingly.

"Are you sure this is about a quarter and not perhaps a short Mexican named Victor?" I sob harder, "Kells im not just saying this but man, I've never seen two people so I don't know- into each other like you and Vic. Whatever happened you've gotta talk some sense into him because your perfect for each other." I wipe my eyes and stare up at him.

"That's the thing Austin, I didn't even do anything but be the perfect boyfriend! He's the one who's unhappy, he's the one who doesn't want to try, and HE'S the one who broke it off! We only had 1 1/2 months left of just sneaking around and then we were home free! We're going to the same college in the fall and we were finally going to be able to come out and be together, but that's all down the shitter now!" I rant slamming my head onto the counter once again. God im a weeny!

Austin slaps the back of my head and yanks me up by my shirt collar.


"Pull yourself together man!" he grabs my face and looks me square in the eye. "You're going to hike up your skirt and show him what he's missing! I don't care what it takes but you are going to win him back!"

I nod, yeah I can do this, I can totally do this!

The kid from earlier walks up, "I'm sorry I forgot to pay earlier." he lays down a quarter and walks away. I look at the shiny coin in front of me and start crying all over again.

"Kellin!" Austin yells exasperated looking down at my sniveling form.

"Its so shiny!"

Vics Pov 🎇🎉🎊🎆🎈 surprise!!

Hearing Kellin cry over me like that was heartbreaking I want to just go to him and wrap him in my arms comfortingly and apologize for everything but we can't be together. Its just wrong and unfair for us to have to tip toe around like that and have to constantly look over our shoulders nervously hoping nobody finds us out.

Being with Kellin like I have been has been the best time of my life. I care for him more than anybody. Being away from him is the hardest thing ever, but its killing me that we have to keep it all a secret from everybody and the fact that Katelynn can go to Pastor Urie at any second and rat us out. Then what? Kellin loves doing the worship its his favorite thing and honestly I cant be selfish and take that away from him, so if that means I have to stay away from him for the rest of the summer then so be it, I won't ruin this for him.

"You're going to hike up your skirt and show him what he's missing! I don't care what it takes but you are going to win him back!" Austins voice rings out and I groan, great now im going to have Kellin try and seduce me all summer and I don't know if I will have the self control to stay away from him. I mean the guys adorable its no wonder girls are always surrounding him he's got the most beautiful eyes that shine with mischief everytime we're together and he's funny he can get everybody laughing just by being his dorky self and don't even let me get started in his hair- or his freaking smile! Oh that mouth of his can just work wonders! I'm hard just thinking about his mouth on me and- Bad Vic! Stop thinking about him! You won't be able to go through with this if you don't!

"Kellin!" Austin yells I look over at them and watch as kellin picks up a quarter from the counter.

"Its so shiny!" he sobs out and holds it to his chest. Kellin seriously looks like a girl crying over a break up which he pretty much is except he's a guy and well I dumped him like it was nothing. My eyes water as I look at his heartbroken face.

I walk out of the concession stand. I cant take this. If I stay any longer, I'm going to kiss him until he feels better and then we would be in deep shit.

"Vic!" I turn around and wait for my brother to catch up which doesn't take long thanks to his long legs.

"Hey why is Kellin holding a quarter and crying over how shiny it is?" he asks and I look up at his looming form.

"Because I broke up with him and now he's comparing our relationship to a quarter and I just want to go over there and kiss him senseless and take him back but if I do that there's a chance he can get kicked off the praise team for being gay and Kellin loves that job and I can't let that happen but at the sane time im starting to fall in love with him and I just don't know what to do because he looks like a puppy that just got kicked and im the one who kicked the puppy! What kind of person kicks a puppy!? A sick one that's who! And i-"

"Wait- your starting to fall in love with him?" Mike asks interrupting me. I glare up at him.

"Yes keep up bro- that's why I cant be with him right now because he doesn't feel the same way and I don't want us to get in trouble by Brendon and-"

"Your an idiot." He says interrupting me again." Obviously he's starting to fall for you too or he wouldn't be In concessions crying over a quarter! Talk to him about everything and maybe tell him that once summers over and you both go to college you guys can be together without any worry's as for the kicking a puppy thing well man, your freaking heartless because he's pretty much like a little puppy."

"I know I just can't help but think that breaking up with him wasn't a good idea to begin with."

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