Chapter 17

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"Come on, hurry up!" Vic tugged on my hand impatiently, as if I could walk any faster, pulling me quickly through the trees. I giggled and complied, going as fast as I could towards whatever the hell he has waiting.

I have no idea what he's doing, all I know is that I found another note from him in my dressing room that said for me to meet him after hours. I don't have the slightest clue as to what he has in mind, but he could not wait to save his life, so this must be really important to him, whatever it is.

Tomorrow is the day we leave here, and the only thing keeping me from going crazy over the thought of having to leave Vic is the hope that we'll still go to the same college. Hopefully, his feelings won't have changed and he'll still want me by then. But I know I just have to trust him and hope that he doesn't walk away from all that we've made so far. I couldn't bear it if he ever did that to me.

Another major worry that I have is not knowing exactly how I'm going to come out to my parents after this. I don't know how they'll feel about having a gay son. Sure, they're not like most parents when it comes to a religious upbringing, and they aren't too extreme, but I still don't know what they're going to think about it. I think maybe the best solution would be to just wait to come out to everyone. Wait until after I'm out of the house and in college and totally away from everything. I'm just praying at this point that they don't already know. That will only make things worse. I want to come out on my own time, not when it's under pressure. I'm not good with people pounding me about things all at once, it makes me have a huge emotional breakdown. And I am positive that I'm honestly nowhere near ready for that. I would much rather prefer continuing to be here, spending more time with Vic.

I really wish I knew where all that time has gone. I've been spending pretty much all of it obsessing over this amazing boy that has completely stolen my heart and refuses to give it back. I've had so much time, yet it seems like so little. A whole summer to fall in love with my amazing, incomparable, and perfect boyfriend.

I still want to kidnap him, bring him home with me, tie him to my bed, and never let him leave, but I won't do that because I'm actually NOT psycho. Surprisingly.

But I do want to spend the rest of our time together doing everything he wants to do, even if it's not what I want to do- or at least what I want HIM to do- because I love him and that's all I ever want to do is make him happy. Right now though, it looks like he wants to spend time with me WAY more than me, which is odd considering I didn't think that was possible. But it's freaking adorable how impatient he's being!

He pulled me further and further through all the shrubbery and trees, until they became much fewer and farther between. I could just briefly see small, flickering lights and I could faintly hear the nearby activities of the lake. I assumed he would bring me out here, but there aren't usually any kind of lights out here...I wonder what he's done now.

"Close your eyes." He said, coming up behind me and covering my eyes. Now I admit, I'm a little nervous.

"Vic, please tell me why you kidnapped me just to go to the lake?" I whined anxiously. He comfortingly kissed the back of my neck.

"Shhhh Baby, it's a surprise." He told me. I pouted, but he just ignored it, stepping in front of me, taking both of my hands and led me a little ways more. Doing as I was told, I kept my eyes closed and didn't open them until he gave me the word.

" them." He whispered. I could tell he was right up close to my face by the feeling if light breathing. I opened my eyes slowly and he stepped aside. I gasped at what I saw.

The sight before me made my heart flutter in excitement. I cannot believe he did this! Right on the edge of the lake was a large red blanket, bigger than the other one, and several pillows on it. There were a million tea light candles all around it, making every little thing light up romantically. The scene looked so beautiful and I couldn't help but stand there in shock, my mouth hanging wide open and my eyes wider than ever.

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