Chapter 10

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"So this is why you won't go out with me!? Your gay!?" An annoying voice screeches startling Vic and I awake.


We fell asleep.


In a public place.

I look up at the girl who caught us. Of course its one of the fan girls! Holy shit cakes. Okay Kellin, calm down. You can handle this, keep it cool- just play it off.

"Who are you and what are you talking about? We are at a Christian camp of all places! Why would gay guys go to a church camp-"

"Its me! Katelynn! Remember I gave you my number yester day! dont try acting stupid , besides it makes perfect sense! It explains why both of you turned down every single girl- including me- why you both say your in a relationship but won't tell anyone who!" She rants walking towards us.

"W-what are you going to do?" Vic asks nervously as he pushed off the ground pulling me with him. Katelynns face contorts into an evil grin... Yeah that's attractive.

"Well, I was thinking about going to pastor Urie, but he would take Kellin off the praise team and that's would not be right so I was thinking that you two break up and Kellin agrees to go out with me because I think I could be the one to get rid of your gayness, besides homosexuality is a sin if you forgot." I grip Vics hand tightly.

"I promise you this is only temporary, you and I are NOT over." I whisper and look straight into the crazy bitches eyes. "So if I agree to go out with you this will be our little secret?" I ask her sadly, I will not let Vic get caught for something I practically forced him into. Victor Fuentes is the man of my dreams and I won't let some psychopathic camper ruin what we have.

"Of course Kelly bean that's all I've ever wanted, you." I roll my eyes at the idiotic pet name and face Vic.

"I promise we are going to figure this out." I whisper and kiss his lips softly. "Just remember that you are the only one for me."

Vic searches my eyes and smiles sadly, "Just promise me that you won't fall for the lunatic, especially after you get me to admit that I'm gay." he whispers in reply.

"Never in a million years babe, never in a million years."


This has been the absolute worst day of my life. Katelynn is so fucking clingy and everytime Vic even tries to get close to me she gives him this death glare. Everytime she's not doing a camp activity she's bugging me. She even kisses me! All the interns think we are just the cutest couple, except Austin because he knows the truth. Katelynn doesn't realize that she cant keep Vic and I apart 24/7 though because we're in the same dorm room and we work concessions together every night. Besides its Wednesday of camp three she leaves Friday and then I will be free of that satanic woman and back with Vic. Hopefully. At night and in the morning Vic and talk a little but we cant talk about what we really want in front of all the guys so we use Austin as our messenger boy. Much to his annoyance.

"Hey, Vic said he will be in your room after church? I have no idea what that means but there you go." Austin tells me shaking me from my thoughts, I smile and grab a dish rag and clean off the counter.

"I do, tell him I cant wait for tonight and I will see him there." I grab a blue Gatorade from the fridge, "And here's a Gatorade for your troubles." Austin glares at me playfully and walks away back to his game. So Vic and I are still on for our nightly ritual- good.

"Hey Kelly Bean! Hows the concessions going?" Katelynn says bouncing up towards me still cleaning the counter.

"Its all good Katie, just trying to get all of this sticky crap off the counter." I respond not looking up at her.

"Well- that's boring! Why are you doing that just leave it!" I roll my eyes.

"Well because I like keeping things looking nice, its a better way to get customers if your station looks nice, and babe, I've got a customer I'll talk to you later." Calling her Babe instead of Vic hurt. Like really bad. Her face falls and looks at the growing line behind her. "Fine I will let you get to work, come find me when you get the chance." I try to keep from gagging as she kisses my lips softly, I prefer Vics lips, Katelynns are to big and they taste like cherries whereas Vics are the perfect size and they taste like him. Well Katy Perry, I kissed a girl and I did NOT like it or the taste of her cherry chap stick. It just felt plain wrong. Okay Kells stop quoting that damn song.

"Remember the deal." she whispers and walks away.

. A guy who looks like he's 6'3 walks up and looks down at me with this toothy grin. "Can I help you?" I ask the tall person nervously.

"Yeah with two things actually. First one is can I get a vanilla ice cream cone and a coke?" I nod and walk towards the ice cream machine and get to work on the perfect ice cream cone. Grabbing a bottle of coke I walk towards him, "That'll be $3.25 and what's your second thing?" I ask rocking on my heels and collect the money.

"Yeah do you know where Vic is? I want to go bug my big brother but I have no idea where he is." my eyes grow round as I look at the giant in front of me.

"Wait- your vics little brother Mike?" Vics like 5'4 this dudes in the 6's! But Vics still an inch taller than me so there's that. I freaking adore that little sexican.

"Yeah that's the reaction I get everytime. So where is he?"

I shake my head, "Right um he's either at one of two places. The volley ball court which is down that way," I point down to the games field, "Or he's over at the lake, life guarding." I point towards the trail to the lake.

"Alright thanks- "


"Thanks Kellin." I nod and he walks away. HM so he's vics baby brother. That's cute. Vics so short compared to his baby brother.


I took pretty much all of my frustrations out on stage and it felt really good to just let it all out like that. I walk to the little room under the stage and get yanked to a very hard chest. Vic. I smile and tilt my head up kissing him lightly. He engulfs me in a hug.

"This absolutely sucks- and why do your lips taste like cherries?" Vic asks when we pull away. I groan and push away grabbing the towel I set out earlier and wipe at my lips as hard as I can. "That lunatic kisses me every chance she gets she thinks she can kiss away the gay." Vic arches an eyebrow before he starts laughing hysterically.

"I'm so sorry Kells but that's just gold!" I laugh and roll my eyes.

Yeah and I have no idea what Katy Perry was talking about in I kissed a girl, because I definitely did not like that!" Vic doubles over laughing even harder and I mock glare at him trying my best not to laugh as well.

"The worst part is she keeps calling me Kelly Bean! What the heck? What does that even mean?" This time I burst out laughing as well and soon enough we are a giggling mess.

"Oh did Mike ever find you today?" I ask him as we sober up.

"Oh yeah, thanks for helping him find me!" Vic says sarcastically. "He wouldn't leave me alone man! Especially after he coincidentally finds you and that just made it even worse!" I furrow my brow in confusion, "What do you mean? "

"Mike knows im gay, we tell each other everything and over the weekend when he called asking how things were going I told him everything even you."

"Well he didn't mention anything to me." I inform him as i wrap my arms around him.

"Well he sure messed with me, told me how you and I are going to look so cute together, how he didn't even realize your the one I've talked about told me just all kinds of crap." Vic rolls his eyes and I kiss him again lightly.

"Well at least he doesn't make fun of your sexuality." Vic kisses me lightly and pulls away.

"Yeah thank god for that."

We kiss again this time more passionately, Vic grabs my thighs and I jump up wrapping my legs around his waist and tangling my fingers in his hair, completely forgetting about our situation because in that moment, its just us and nothing else matters, not Katelynn, not the fact that we are at church camp not even the fact that we can get caught at any second because right now. Its just Me and Vic, my summer love.

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