Chapter 3

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Concessions were brutal. We each had our own section of the huge circular building to work with one other person, and if they ordered something that wasn't near you, you had to walk through the whole ring and get it. Everyone had an assigned partner to work with and mine just so happened to be Vic. It was hard not to gawk at him the whole time, but I tried my best.

It seemed like none of the other sections were working, because there was a mass amount of girls in Vic and I's line. They were all very flirtatious, and for Christian girls they sure were very forward. Like right in your face straight up telling you you're hot or asking you out. THAT kind of forward. They were doing it to Vic and I both. I brushed it off as best as I could.

I snapped out of it, only to overhear a girl hitting on Vic.

"Hey sexy, can I have your number?" She asked seductively giggling. Ew, Gross.

He flashed his naturally flirtatious smile, but chuckled and shook his head, "Sweetie, I think I'm a little too old for you. Why don't you find someone around here closer to your age?" He said sounding sincere. She blushed and walked away. Vic just asked for the next customer which was ANOTHER girl.

I had to help a lot of girls myself. They were acting pretty much the same with me as they were with Vic, but most of them wanted Vic. I really couldn't blame them, but they really do know how to be repulsive.

Vic was being so nice about everything, and he sounded like someone who could be mature about things, but also very sweet at the same time. He has this natural flirtatious smile that he gives everyone, so I'm not worried about that too much. Even though the girls are all over him, he seems to nicely brush them off, letting them down easy. Even the really pretty eighteen-year-old girls were flirting with him! Most guys would kill for that, but it didn't phase him at all!

He's not gay. No he couldn't be. Absolutely not. I almost forgot that there was a customer waiting.

"Hey, whatcha need?" I asked her.

"How about you?" She asked batting her eyes. I blushed not knowing how to respond. Vic must've heard that because he turned to her.

"He's not looking for a girlfriend right now, but there are plenty of other guys here that would love to be your boyfriend." He said not wanting to hurt her feelings. She blinked in shock, but she went about ordering.

"I'll have some blue sour punch straws, and a code red mountain dew." She said.

I didn't realize Vic was right behind me. I was about to get the girl's order when I felt something. Or someone. In a place.

I didn't mean to, but I had just straight up grinded against him.

You could see all the color drain from his face. I looked up at him and started stuttering, trying to apologize.

"Vic I did not mean to, I'm sor-" He held his hand up silencing me. He didn't look at me at all, he just shrugged and continued helping the customer. I kept stealing glances at his Hispanic-featured face, making sure he was okay.

Every time a customer would come to his side, he would shake his head as if trying to snap out of something, and he changed a little bit from how he was treating customers before. It was really strange. How did that simple thing affect him so much?


When concessions were finally over, it was about 1 a.m. and Vic and I had cleanup duty. We had to clean this entire stand all by ourselves. But I get to watch Vic the whole time, so I guess it's good. Except he was being awfully distant so I tried making conversation.

"So those girls are pretty crazy, huh? I asked coaxing him to talk with me. He nodded simply. I wanted a little more than that.

"See anyone interesting?" I admit, I was scared of him to actually answer that.

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