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March 21st 2017

Kaito tapped on a button on the phone, smiling to himself as people arrived into the chat. "Hey everyone, welcome to this channel's first ever v live!" he whispered happily, glancing around before continuing. "I'm so happy we can finally give you all some insight on us before our debut - and just so you know, CEO-nim gave me permission to stream on this channel." he smiled playfully, jokingly responding to a comment in the chat.

"Do you guys want to just go around and see everyone?" Kaito asked the chat, already standing up. "Today everyone's doing their own thing... I think Hyunwoo is out right now but I can show you all the others."

Kaito made his way out of the room he was in, glancing back at the door before he began, "None of the guys are in our room, but Hyunwoo and Chen share a room so we can check there first."

Kaito approached the door quietly, holding a finger on his mouth as he smiled towards the camera as if the people watching would make a noise. He knocked a silly rhythm on the door before opening it.

"Mmm?" mumbled a boy sitting at a desk, two different books open in front of him as he wrote on a notebook that sat on his lap. He looked up and nearly jumped at the surprise camera half a foot in front of his face.

"Ah, Kaito hyung, I'm studying..." Chen trailed off, gesturing slightly towards the papers on the desk.

"I'm just doing a v live of what everyone's doing." Kaito replied, looking at the books. Chen quickly covered up the writing on his notebook by holding it up against his chest.

"Well I'm doing homework." Chen replied, closing the notebook and setting it on the desk. "Who have you already seen?"

"Already seen...? Oh, just you. I think the others are out there." Kaito replied, Chen now scooting his chair back and standing up with a smile.

"I'll come with you." he offered, not that Kaito could reject. The older read through the comments, pointing one out.

"Hey Chen, they're asking what you're studying." he said.

"Earlier? Korean." Chen replied simply, brushing off the subject as he ran up to a blonde haired boy who was lying on the couch, phone held up to his ear. He jumped onto the couch, sitting on the empty spot that wasn't covered up by Taeyang's legs.

"Sure, see you then?" Taeyang said before looking up at Chen, then turning back to see Kaito and his camera. "Oh, you were right, Kaito did start a livestream." he said to the person on the other line, sitting up. He turned on speakerphone, increasing the volume  so that the v live would pick up the voice.

Kaito gave the viewers, as well as Chen, a finger to his lips as a signal to stay quiet. Taeyang made a little smile as he looked up at the camera, speaking into the phone's microphone. "Do you wanna say anything to the viewers of the stream?"

"Nah, it's fine. You guys should enjoy your first ever stream." the voice said, "I'll hang up."

"Wait!" Taeyang nearly shouted, Kaito's voice joining the blonde's as they both attempted to stop the person from hanging up. Luckily the person didn't seem to have heard Kaito in the background or Chen, who was now covering his mouth as he laughed at Kaito's embarrassed smile.

"You can stay on the line, he's gonna go find Alex." Taeyang said, causing Kaito to shake his head. In response Taeyang gave a little nod, continuing on the conversation as they stayed by the camera. Chen stood up and walked to read the chat, which was now asking who was on the line.

"Oh, CEO-nim wants to know when you're coming for clothing fitting." the voice said, Taeyang suddenly sitting up and holding the phone up to his ear, even though it was still on speaker. "For what, F.O.X. hyung?"

"For Saturday's performance-" the voice began, suddenly cutting himself off. There was a sudden silence as Chen glanced towards Kaito, who was hiding his wide-eyed expression behind the camera. "Wait what'd you call me?" Woojin, the man on the other side of the call, asked.

"Huh?" Taeyang quickly fired back in a slight state of confusion. There was another silence and exchange of glances before the person on the phone let out a small sigh.

"Y'all are livestreaming this aren't you?" Woojin asked, replied with an awkward laugh from all of them.

"I was about to say! - Taeyang never calls me F.O.X hyung off camera," Woojin laughed a little. "I guess they know now."

"Know what?" Chen asked innocently, immediately replied with the older's laugh and Taeyang and Kaito's reflective silence.

"...Nothing unless they're an overachieving fan that's watching this livestream!" Woojin shouted out, immediately ending the call with a "Good luck guys!"

As the phone stopped speaking, Taeyang and the others shared awkward glances, wondering what to do next. All of a sudden the noise of a door closing was followed by the well-known deep voice of Alex.

"What'd you guys screw up this time?"

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