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June 9th 2017

"I did it." Taeyang repeated for the nth time, Alex nodding in slow understanding. 

"It's okay. It's good, actually." Alex said, watching the older carefully. He made a smile, nudging the still songwriter with a laugh. "Be proud of yourself." 

"Yeah," Hyunwoo agreed, "I think it's good you're making a statement. We're all behind you, we can prove no matter what big music shows do we'll still succeed." 

Taeyang let out a weak smile. "But I'm leaving..." he trailed off. Hyunwoo let an "oh" of realization. 

"It's better that way, then Music Trophy can't ban you guys again. They cleared up your drama, and it's mine that's in the way now." Taeyang said, referring to Kaito's scandal that had be overlooked after the new information was obtained about FORECAST's leader and international idol F.O.X. 

Kaito let out a sigh. "Even if you leave I'm willing to bet Music Trophy won't let us back. They'll bring something up about me. If anything, I honestly don't want to go back there. Their waiting room was pretty shabby anyways." 

"Yeah, plus they'll probably ban my lyrics too," Taeyang joked, the group laughing. Alex seemed to force a laugh, realizing that his joke was entirely a possibility based on what the show had done in the past. 

"You'll still write songs with us, right?" Chen asked, the oldest replying with a smile. 

"Of course, you'll never get rid of me."

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