cs practice room

7 1 0

May 24th 2017

"I'm really sorry about this," Taeyang repeated, sitting on the bench against the wall. He bounced his leg up and down in anxiety.

"Don't worry about it," Kaito began, sitting down next to him. "We'll cover for you. It'll be fine." He made a little gesture towards the youngest member who was standing facing the mirror.

"Just move over in his pre-chorus," Alex recommended, Chen nodding. He practiced the transition a few times and finally let out a sigh.

"What about after that? Then there's a spot on the left." He mentioned, pointing to the  empty space in the formation made by the lack of a person dancing. Kaito quickly stood up and took his place on the left, gesturing the line over.

"We can have two leads, right?" Hyunwoo asked. Alex nodded, standing in his spot in the front. Chen seemed hesitant.

"I think it would look better if Alex hyung was in the center instead of sharing the center." Chen said. The others looked at him with a slightly sympathetic expression, Hyunwoo having pleading puppy eyes. He slowly added, "I could stay in the front though, and just let him step forward."

"I think that'll work well." Taeyang said, trying to sound encouraging. Chen began quietly, "I just feel like I'm in the front too much."

"You're our dancer, you're allowed to dance in the front." Hyunwoo said, patting the younger on the back confidentially, even though the boy who was now standing in the center seemed unsure. Alex made a sympathetic smile,  moving a couple steps forwards. 

"I'll stay up here." he said, making a little movement. He made a signal to Taeyang, who turned on the music for them. 

After a few times, the boys got used to the new four-member formation, yet everyone seemed to have the same thought - it simply didn't feel right. 

Taeyang continued to work on the songs he was originally making, sitting in the room with the rest of them with a notebook and laptop in hand. His little office set up in the practice room was both a sign of apology and unity, the others discussing among themselves different plans. While Kaito drank some water and sat next to the oldest, asking about the plan of what to say to fans during the live performance recording or other interviews, the other three members were discussing Chen's new lines and center choreography. 

"I know I've got the least amount of lines, but isn't there a reason for that?" Chen asked, almost shrinking a few inches in his lack of confidence. 

"Well, because you dance a lot." Alex said carefully, unsure of what answer would be best. Chen quickly replied, "But I'm now in the center for the chorus."

"That's because you get to sing the chorus!" Hyunwoo smiled, enthusiastic and positive in every detail. Alex gave the younger a slightly concerned look, but Hyunwoo simply leaped up with energy. 

"It'll be really fun, don't worry!" 

Chen wanted to collapse and hide, but immediately pushed the idea out of his head. He looked toward their leader, who was visibly distressed as he anxiously tapped his leg and shrugged at Kaito's question. 

"It's just for now," Alex said quickly, Hyunwoo looking at him with wide eyes of stress. The younger's jaw tightened a little, making the smallest shake of his head that only Alex could've caught onto. 

Alex seemed to ignore Hyunwoo, although he was looking at him the whole time. "Hyung will be back once the whole scandal blows over." he said assertively, making Hyunwoo let out a small breath. Chen simply nodded at the older's words, taking them for granted. 

"Chen, can you c'mere for a second?" Taeyang called from across the room, Kaito getting up and joining the group as Chen moved towards the leader.

"Yes?" he replied, standing in front of the older. Taeyang closed his laptop, setting the notebook on top of it. He stood up and brushed off the top of his legs, looking at the younger for a few seconds. 

"Stand up a bit straighter." he requested, Chen immediately doing so. With a smile, Taeyang wrapped his arms around the younger. "Thank you so much for this. I know it's a lot of responsibility on you." he said, releasing the younger after the two sentences. He continued to smile, Chen smiling a little as well. 

Taeyang made gesture up with his hands, Chen taking in a deep breath like he was always cued to by his leader. Taeyang took a breath too, the two of them letting out the air as Taeyang made the gesture down. 

"Hey," Taeyang began, Chen looking up at the older and finally a bit more relaxed. "Thank you so much for this."

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