pre cover concert

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March 25th 2017

Kaito sat on the edge of the slightly-raised stage as he looked forwards at the small crowd that had already gathered behind the security barrier placed a few feet away from the stage. He swung his legs back and forth, waving towards a few girls who were smiling his general direction. One made a little chirp of surprise, another laughing and waving, and the third cupping her hands, calling out a cheerful "Good luck!"

"Hyung!" A voice shouted, Kaito turning his upper body around towards a short boy with newly styled-up brown hair. "The makeup needs you there after Chen."

Kaito gestured the younger over next to him, stopping him from returning backstage. There was a bit more mumbling from the small crowd gathered as they all looked up towards the two. "Sit Hyunwoo~" he ordered playfully, the younger smiling a little as he sat down with a laugh.

"I'm not your dog," Hyunwoo whispered back and covering his mouth with the back of his hand as he looked into the group in front of them, waving towards them as well.

A girl from the audience called out towards the two. "What are you guys performing today?"

Kaito held up two fingers, Hyunwoo translating, "Two covers."

"Can you tell us them?" she asked, her smile hopeful but understanding.

Hyunwoo pursed his lips in thought - causing a small group of fans a few feet away to squeal - as he turned around towards another group member who was walking over to the edge of the small stage too.

Hyunwoo asked the older blonde, Taeyang shrugging and looking towards the girls. "I'm sure you'll recognize both of them, one's a vocal cover while one's a dance cover."

He tapped Kaito on the shoulder, making a little gesture back towards backstage. Kaito stood himself up, waving a big goodbye towards the fans that were watching him. Taeyang sat down next to Hyunwoo in Kaito's place. "So do you all have any questions? You got here so early, we really appreciate it."

The audience was mostly smiley and mumbling until one person spoke up from out in the crowd.

"Thank you for having an easy-to-go-to concert!"

Hyunwoo made a little laugh, Taeyang smiling back, and the deep voice of Alex as he approached and sat next to the two replied, "Just for you guys."

As Kaito passed by Alex he whispered a sly, "smooth" as he nudged the younger in the back of his shoulder. Alex turned around at first, ready to say something back, but stopped himself and continued on his path to the front of the stage. He sat down next to Hyunwoo and Taeyang, giving a casual salute towards a few who waved in hello at his arrival.

"Forecast," a fan began, attracting the three's attention. "Who do you think will do the best today?"

Hyunwoo glanced towards Alex, then at Taeyang who was already answering the question.

"I mean, I think we'll all do awesome. I'm prepared to impress you all later." he answered, seeming proud of himself for his efforts practicing. Hyunwoo gave a little nod before answering for himself. "Yeah, I think I'll do well today too." The two shared a playfully competitive glance.

Kaito, who was originally on his way towards the backstage makeup rooms, had stopped a few feet away from the exit, turning around to listen to the three's voices. Chen had finished and stood next to the older, slowly catching onto Kaito's actions and listening as well.

Alex glanced back at the two for a split second, answering the girl's question on his own. "You know who'll do the best today?" he asked, pointing back towards the general direction of the two in the corner. "He will."

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