outside of C.S

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April 23rd 2017

"What's wrong with Music Trophy? You don't just threaten to discriminate against a group because of some scandal." Alex muttered, anger being held in as the five boys of Forecast walked along the path outside of the C.S Entertainment building.

"It's not even a scandal, like, it's my personal life! Can't they just accept that?" Kaito asked, making an annoyed sigh as he looked towards Taeyang and the others. "I'm so sorry this happening."

"It's the Internet's fault, and that stupid anti-fan's fault too." Taeyang said, adding, "How do we already have an anti-fan anyways?"

Chen made an awkward shrug, speaking for the first time in a while. "Should we be concerned about CEO-nim's reaction?" he asked, seeming a bit wary. Taeyang made a nervous laugh.

"He's already talked to Jason about it. Apparently he still thinks it'll help our popularity."

"Doesn't he understand there are such things as bad popularity?" Alex asked, suddenly interrupted by Kaito.

"Who even cares if I'm gay? It doesn't change any of my talents." Kaito exclaimed, immediately calmed down by a pat on the back by the oldest in the group.

"Exactly, but Music Trophy might not think so..." Alex said, sneering at the music show's name. "Bunch of dimwits."

Alex proceeded to say something else in English that Taeyang didn't feel the need to translate for the others.

"You know what I want? I want anyone in the public eye to be able to come out in front of the world and say 'You know what, I'm pretty gay.' if they want to. Sure, I can get why the industry judges dating - it ruins the fan's imaginations, of course. But plenty of male idols go out there and say 'No I don't like boys, I like girls.' and knock down every boy's dreams and no one seems to care about that. Yet if some male idol goes out there and says the opposite, the opposite happens." Kaito said, kicking a poor pebble that just happened to be laying on the side of the sidewalk.

The members stayed silent, taking in the reality of what Kaito had just described. Chen was the first to say a response, replying with a defeated, "You're right."

"That's so unfair." Hyunwoo added, eyes watching Kaito's foot as he pushed the rock along the path.

"Hey, is that the girl who runs that blog?" Alex suddenly asked, pointing towards their left where a girl was walking towards the front door of the building.

Taeyang walked a little faster, trying to get a glimpse of the girl from his position before she disappeared into the building. "Yeah, that's Jieun!" he said suddenly, picking up his pace. "C'mon, let's go see what she's doing here."

The five of them approached the front door, the girl talking to the woman at the front desk.

"Yeah, I wanted to give them this letter. Can I leave it with you?" she asked, the woman nodding and then suddenly pointing up and behind the girl.

"Or you could just give it directly to them," the woman said, smiling towards the rookies standing at the entrance.

"Oh! Forecast...!" she said suddenly, confused of what to say next.

"Hey," Taeyang smiled, making a little wave, followed by another awkward silence.

"So, Jieun right?" Hyunwoo said, filling the conversation's hole.

"Y-yeah! Sorry, I just didn't expect to actually meet you guys today. If I did I would've worn something nice and brought you all presents and-" she began, listing on until one of them stopped her.

"No, don't worry about it!" Kaito said. Jieun held out the letter towards him, the boy accepting it thankfully without knowing what it was about.

"I know there's a bunch of hate and stuff about the whole photoshoot thing..." Jieun said, trailing off. Kaito already knew the girl wouldn't say anything terrible, so he was already smiling. "So I just wrote a little letter to you and the rest of Forecast."

"That's really sweet of you, you didn't have to do that." Kaito smiled.

"No, I wanted you guys to know everything's alright and you guys deserve an amazing single comeback without any of this dumb scandal discrimination." she said, standing up straighter as she explained herself, almost like an inspirational speaker.

"Oh, don't worry, Kaito knows - he reads your blog." Alex said suddenly, Jieun's face flushing a light pink.

Kaito kicked Alex in the back of his shin, causing the younger to cringe in pain. "It's more empowering in person."

Jieun made an awkward laugh. "Anyways, again, please keep going towards your dream and don't let people get in your way for frivolous reasons."

There was a somewhat long wave of goodbye as Jieun left, disappearing into the crowd of the street pathways a block away. Kaito was already opening the letter, smiling. Suddenly, Chen tapped Hyunwoo on the arm, subtly gesturing towards Kaito.

"Hyung, are you okay?" Hyunwoo asked, Kaito dabbing the edge of his eye as they walked back towards their dorms.

"Yeah, I just feel bad." Kaito replied, Hyunwoo tilting his head in confusion as the other members looked towards their fellow member too. "She thinks we can just ignore the reality of this - if we can't promote it's over."

There was a little pause, Alex sighing. He made a small gesture towards all of them. "If it's over, we're over too."

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