Tell Me (A Weasley Twins Story)

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All characters belong to J.K. Rowling, aside from Arietta and Ellie.

- 2020- I am going through and editing this a bit, so hope you guys enjoy!


"Arietta! Hey, Arietta!" A voice called over the crowd, and the girl recognized it as her friend Hermione's. She ran towards her, her thick brown hair bouncing on her back.

Arietta Scrimgeour was in her fourth year of Hogwarts, daughter of the Head of the Auror office, and probably one of the most popular girls at Hogwarts. Although she did not hang round with the Slytherins, she was one of the most lovable, cute and definitely pretty Gryffindors.

"Hermione!" She embraced her friend in a warm hug, before turning to the two boys that stood behind her; Harry Potter and Ron Weasley.

"Harry! Ron!" She squealed, her slim arms cocooning them into a hug. Harry chuckled, and patted her on the back.

"Hey, Ari!" She could hear the smile in his voice. She pulled away, a huge grin plastered on her face.

"Yeah, Ari, it's been too long!" Ron beamed, his ginger hair getting in his eyes.

The Hogwarts Express was crowded this year, thought Arietta, more so than usual, in fact. First years were helplessly stumbling about the corridors and several times she had to direct a couple of them back to the right compartment. Eventually, as the train got going, she settled into the compartment with Harry and the others. She was exhausted, and it wasn't long before the chugging of the train sent her into a deep sleep, and she felt as though she was under wingardium leviosa, she felt that weightless.

It seemed all too soon that she was being shaken awake. Groaning slightly she opened her eyes, only to see the Weasley twins standing over her, grinning. Arietta had been friends with the twins since their first year, loving their happy-go-lucky outlook on life. 

"Arietta! Wake up!" Fred laughed, shaking her shoulder excitedly to wake her. 

"Ok, ok, I'm awake! Awake!" She chuckled, pushing herself up and grabbing her suitcases from the bag racks above her head. Almlich, her beautiful fawn coloured barn owl, had already been sent ahead, and would be waiting for her in the dormitory when she arrived.

"Now you're up, sleepy beauty, let's get going! We don't want to miss out on dinner!" George jostled her along. He was right, the first Hogwarts feast really wasn't to be missed. Arietta's mouth watered slightly at the thought of it. 

Soon, they were in the Great Hall, and Arietta was wearing her school robes instead of muggle clothing, which she was really quite fond of. She had missed the cosy feel of the soft robes against her skin, and she really quite liked the warm glints of gold in her red Gryffindor tie.  Her father was big in the Ministry of Magic, and she could have anything she wanted, but she preferred simple muggle clothing for out of school, but she had a couple of traditional dress robes for more formal events with her father, and a handful of dresses that she was told she 'needed' to look the part for her role in the wizarding community. They were stiff, often made of cold, silken fabrics, in odd pastel colours that she didn't feel suited her very well, but her mother insisted it was the proper thing for a young lady such as herself to wear.

After the meal had finished, only a couple of crumbs of pudding remaining, she and Hermione headed up to the common room, sharing the events of their summer. It was late into the night when Arietta finally slipped into sleep, the soft sounds of the dormitory comforting her, the feathers in the mattress, the sound of her owl cooing gently in her sleep. She loved everything about Hogwarts.

The sky was still pink when Arietta woke up. She and Hermione where usually first ones awake, and today was the same. They had their school robes on and where waiting for Harry and Ron in the common room for some time!

"Oi! Arietta!" The unmistakable voice of Fred Weasley travelled across to her just as she sank her teeth into her toast.

"What, Fred?!" She glared at him, and her watched as her eyebrows folded with slight anger, no doubt due to lack of sleep on the first night back at school.

"You going to Quidditch training this morning? 'Cos Harry didn't know if you were; you didn't mention it on the train yesterday." His voice was cocky, as usual, all though there was nothing to be cocky about.

"Yeah, probably." Arietta shrugged, and as she turned back to her breakfast, she noticed Fred's eyes had stayed on her a little longer than usual.

Her first lesson was Defence Against the Dark Arts, her favourite subject, and probably her best, much to her mothers distaste and her fathers delight.Octavia Scrimgeour, did not approve of DADA, and felt strongly against it, especially for women. She believed that Charms, Herbology, Divination and Potions should be the only subjects that young ladies should be able to take at Hogwarts. She herself had been the best in Ravenclaw at Charms, and went to Beauxbatons to take her NEWTS because she had been brought up to believe that subjects such as Defence Against the Dark Arts was not a subject that should be taught to girls and neither were Care of Magical Creatures and Transfiguration. Believing strongly in this, she was shipped off to Beauxbatons to learn only four magical subjects, the rest muggle such as needlework and handwriting. Defence Against the Dark Arts was great, but the new professor, Umbridge, was not. She reminded Arietta too much of her mother for her to like her.

She was walking to Potions with Harry, Ron and Hermione, when she felt someone grab her from behind and pull her behind a column. They put a hand over her mouth, and though she tried to scream, she couldn't. Soon the lack of air totally effected her head, and she blacked out.

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