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When she woke up her vision was blurred and dotted with dark spots.

"What happened?"



"Merlin, is Scrimgeour alright?"

"Proffesor McGonagall!"

"Scrimgeour?" she heard the voice of the Transfiguration professor

"Professor?" Her voice was weak and trembling, "What happened?" Her vision began to come back to her.

"Merlin, Scrimgeour, you're alright! You were found by Miss Granger here, who found you passed out on the floor. Dear, dear, we'd better get you to the hospital wing, chop-chop."

She felt herself being heaved up onto a stretcher and then no more...

"Arietta? Oh Merlin, Ari, you're awake!" She heard Hermione's voice from above her as she opened her eyes wide and looked around her.

"Yeah, Hermione, I think I'm awake..." She chuckled, but stopped abruptly as she saw just how many people were gathered round her bed.

Of course there was Hermione, Ron and Harry, then Fred and George, Seamus Finnigan, Professor Dumbledore and Lee Jordan.

"Wow... just how bad has it been?" Arietta asked, slightly astounded.

Madam Pomfrey came bustling in, and answered her question.

"Well, Miss Scrimgeour, you were out for an estimated hour after your accident, until Miss Granger found you, and then you passed out on your way up here, and you've been out for about a fortnight."

Arietta felt taken back. She was sure she had only had her mouth covered over for a little while, the lack of air had made her feel dizzy so she had passed out for a minute or so, and her captor scarpered.

"But I was only..." She stuttered

"Ari; they suspect Crucio... or Imperius...." Fred told her, giving her a small smile.

"B-but, who...?" Arietta was still totally confused.

"We don't know yet, Arietta, but we did find this next to where you were found." Professor Dumbledore stepped in, holding up a Hufflepuff tie. "We still don't know who it was, and whether if this tie is just a 'Red Herring' as muggles call it, but I suggest you don't go making accusations before we have proof."

"Thanks professor," Arietta said weakly, smiling up at them all, "But now, do you think I could sleep? I'm really tired. "

"Of course, Miss Scrimgeour. Come along, students." Dumbledore strode out of the sick bay, followed by the rest of her visitors.

It was a week later before she was allowed to leave the hospital bay. So many people were asking questions, throwing them at her like gun fire, and she just couldn't take it. She didn't get it; this person, who would do it? She had never hurt anyone, she had always tried to be kind. Whoever could do such a thing must have some problems.

It took Fred and George Weasley to prevent the questions being asked. Arietta couldn't help but sneaking loving looks at Fred when he wasn't looking. The way he laughed, the way stray hairs flopped into his eyes and annoyed him, his slim yet muscled Beaters body.

But, of course, she couldn't tell him that she had loved him with all her heart ever since her first year; she was just ugly old Arietta Scrimegour. Nobody like Fred Weasley would ever like her.

Little did she know that Fred had held a deep passion for her inside him for many years, but felt that she had too many people that liked her; Draco Malfoy, Cedric Diggory, before he died, he knew Lee Jordan and Dean Thomas liked her, and most of all, his own twin, George, had loved her since her first year. He stood no chance against his complete copy.

"Hey, twins!" He heard her sweet, slightly husky voice ring out from behind him. "Um, hey, the others have gone to see Dumbledore, so can I walk with you two?" She nodded towards the two of them; Fred and George, standing together.

"Yeah, sure!" They answered simultaneously, smiling at her, taking in the cute muggle clothes she was wearing; skinny jeans, a low slung white tank top and trainers. She smiled back at them and walked between them. Fred noted the tired look in her eyes.

"Hey, Arietta? Will you go to The Three Broomsticks with me this weekend?" Lee Jordan popped up beside them, smiling at Arietta. Fred had always admired his confidence, but know he just wanted Lee to get away from Arietta, and he knew that George was feeling the same.

"Yeah, sure, that'd be really great, Lee!" Arietta smiled back at him, and Fred knew that he couldn't stop her.

"Alright! I'll meet you in the common room before we go, ok?" He smiled at her,

"Sure! See you there!" She said brightly as Lee walked off.



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