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Hello everyone! And Happy Mothers Day if you're British. I had the happy opportunity to re-read all my favourite Tom Felton fanfictions, so a shoutout to @arty_writes for being such a good writer! :) Ooh nearly 600 reads! ^_^


P.S I came up with a really good motto for the Nerd Fandoms when reading 1D fanfictions (soppiness alert!): "Aren't ordinary fandoms adorable?" :)


"Ah, hewwo little Alice, a hewwo!" Ginny cooed at Alice, tickling her tiny stomach gently.

It was the day after the birthday of the twins, September 17th, and Mr and Mrs Weasley, George, Ginny, Harry, Hermione, Ron, Percy, Charlie, Bill, Petja and Ellie where crammed into The Burrow.

"They. Are. So. Adorable." Ellie breathed, cradling Alfie in her.arms, smiling down at him.

"I know."'Arietta beamed, watching the Happy Family scene play around her.

"My little nephew and niece." Petja came to stand beside his sister, laying a hand on her shoulder. "They're so... so perfect, Etta." Etta was the nickname that only Petja could call Arietta.

"They are, aren't they?" Arietta smiled fondly at her two children, who were being cuddled by multiple family members.

"Do you think they'll be ginger, or will they have your hair?" Petja asked,

"I would like to think that they would have really dark red hair. Like a cherry." Arietta looked up at her brother, taking in his flipped hair, dark blue eyes and pale skin.

"And eyes?" Petja wanted a clear idea of what his sister wanted her offspring to be.

"Fred's eyes..." He watched his sister's dark blue eyes trail to the centre of the room, where the tall ginger was standing.

Petja was staying overnight at The Burrow, along with Harry, Ron, Hermione, George, Ellie and Ginny, but the rest of them apparated back to their own apartments.

Fred had spent a couple of days decorating their flat for the babies, but Arietta had not yet seen it. They would move tomorrow, but for now they where staying in The Burrow, in Arietta's room, crammed in with the babies in Moses baskets on the dresser.

"Right, now, Arietta, you get the babies settled upstairs, Fred; you help her. You'll be sharing Arietta's room. Ellie and Geirge sharing, Hermione and Ginny sharing, and Harry and Ron sharing. Off to bed now!" Molly ushered them upstairs, handing Alice to Fred, as Arietta was already holding Alfie.

Soon, the babies were in their moses baskets, neatly tucked under little knitted blankets that Molly had knitted for them, both creamy white.

"This is so perfect." Arietta smiled, standing over them. Fred came to put an arm round her waist and smiled down at her.

"It is. But do you know what would make it even more perfect?" Fred asked, turning to face Arietta.

"No, what?"

Then, Fred Weasley got down on his knee, produced a small navy box, and opened it, revealing a plain gold ring with a single diamond.

"Will you marry me?"



I will double update... BECAUSE I AM KILLING MY OWN SOUL.


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