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I'm sorry for where I left it last time :( Enjoy!



Arietta had been in a coma for four days now, and Madam Pomfrey had been doing everything she could to revive her, but it was no good. No potions, charms or spells would wake her, so they had had to resort to hope. Hopefully, something would make her wake up. Smith had ran from Dumbledore's office, but some people from the Ministry where looking for him.

Fred had been sitting by her bedside as much as possible, and had stayed up half the night watching her.

"Uhm... Fred... This may be a bad time, but I need to tell you something..." Ellie sat in the armchair next to him.

"Ari... Ari loved-loves you. You need to tell her that, maybe... maybe it'll wake her." Ellie smiled weakly at Fred before turning back to George.

The feeling of happiness soared through Fred's body. The girl he loved loved him back. But then he remembered, that girl had a potion that kept her breathing pumping through her veins. And his heart dropped like a stone.

The next morning he went to her bedside and, once Ellie, George, Hermione, Harry and Ron had left, he just talked to her.

"Arietta. When you sat down at the Gryffindor table next to me, and your hair glinted from the candlelight... I knew then, that-that there would never be anybody else for me... ever... and... and ever since then I've been trying to get the courage to tell you but I didn't think you would like me back. Ellie-Ellie told me... she... she hoped it would wake you up. Ari, I guess what I'm trying to say is... I-I love you, Arietta Scrimgeour."

And with that he placed a kiss on her lips.

He was about to get up when Fred felt her fingers tighten gently around his.

"Y-you... l-love me?" Her voice was nothing more than a whisper, but her smile said everything that she couldn't.

"Yes. Always." He smiled back at her.

"Scrimgeour? Merlin, Scrimgeour! You're awake! We... we thought you were dead! Oh thank Merlins beard!" Madam Pomfrey bustled into their touching moment. She touched Arietta's hand gently before rushing off to alert Dumbledore.

"I love you too, Freddie." Arietta smiled at him.

"Will you... will you be my girlfriend, Arietta Scrimgeour?" Fred squeezed her hand,

"Yes... Yes, I will!" She beamed up at him. He stooped down to kiss her again, before the others came in.

"ARI! I WAS SO WORRIED!" Ellie yelled, running towards her best friend, shoving Fred out the way and hugging her friend tightly.

"Oi, El, let me see her!" George pushed past Ellie and squeezed Arietta. "Merlin, Arietta, you had us worried!" He smiled gently down at his friend.

"Oh, Arietta!" Hermione grinned at her, not able to prize the twins off her.

"Yeah, Ari.. you scared us to death!" Harry chuckled weakly, coming to stand on the other side of the hospital bed.

"Blimey, Arietta, Fred hasn't slept for three days!" Ron grinned, walking next to his best friend.

"Indeed, Miss Scrimgeour, you had us all very worried indeed! You were, at 'deaths door' as muggle's put it!" Dumbledore stood behind Harry. "But what we'd like to know is why you went to meet someone who claimed to know something about your attack, out of hours, without telling anyone!" The headmaster frowned.

Arietta gulped. This was going to be hard.


Yes! Frietta forever! :)

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