The New Girl

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I'm trying to make this as long as possible :) One of my friends come in in this but it's her surname is Dix (pronounced 'Deese')


Arietta was running, but she knew she couldn't out run the truth. The sun was rising, catching her hair in the light. But suddenly, she saw someone run in front of her, it was a girl, with shining golden hair, and a kind face.

"Ari... Ari you've got to tell them." The girl grabbed hold of both of Arietta's hands before running off again.

Arietta woke up with a shock, she was sweating and her pulse was accelerated.

"Hey, Arietta, you ok? You seemed to be screaming in your sleep." Alicia Spinnet was standing over her, looking worried.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine, Alicia. T-thanks." She stammered, before getting out of bed to get ready for breakfast.

Of course, it was school robes, the gleaming red and gold Gryffindor tie looked lovely amongst the black uniform. She brushed her hair and then went down to The Great Hall.

"Oi, Ari!" She heard George Weasley's voice as soon as she entered. "Come 'ere!" She giggled under her breath before sitting inbetween the twins.

"We. Need. Answers." Fred and George said in unison.

"W-w-well, I-" But before Arietta could say anything more, a girl burst through the doors of The Great Hall. It was the girl from her dream...

Her golden her was swaying gently on her back, but she headed toward the Gryffindor table and sat down beside them.

"Hey there! I'm the new girl, fresh from Beauxbatons!" She smiled at them,

"Hi! I'm Arietta Scrimgeour and these are my friends Fred and George Weasley." She smiled, extending a hand.

"It's nice to meet you! I'm Ellie Dix." Ellie said brightly.

"So did you get sorted in McGonagoll's office, then?" George asked her bluntly.

"Yup. Gryffindor." Ellie replied, smoothly.

"Why did you leave Beauxbatons?" Fred asked her, stuffing his face with toast.

"Um, I kicked a Veela in the face." She chuckled evilly.

"Cool!" All three of them said together, beaming at her.

"So what've you got first thing?" Arietta asked her, still smiling.

"Oh.. um..." Ellie scrabbled round in her bag for her timetable, "Um... er... Transfiguration!"

"Excellent! Us too!" George winked at her, before finishing his breakfast, waiting for his twin, and then the two of them nodded in farewell and left.

"Sooo... Arietta-"

"Please; call me Ari." Arietta smiled at Ellie.

"Ok, Ari. Are you and Fred... dating?!" She asked, quizzically, hope etched on her face.

"Oh, oh, no! W-why, does it look like we are? 'Cos-"

She was interrupted by Ellie.

"Well you should be dating. There's definitely something there." She winked at Arietta.

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