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Hi everyone!! It's me, and I am back! First of all, I have had some comments about what I am going to do about Fred's death, and I can reassure you, that I am not killing however....

One door opens, another closes.


Love you guys, thanks for 3k reads :)



All characters apart from Arietta, Ellie, Alice, Alfie and Christina belong to J.K.Rowling


It was a lazy morning at the Burrow, many eyes were swollen and sore, after an evening of crying and making up.

Fred and Arietta were both curled up in their beds, one arm snugly holding a week old baby, the other holding each other, both snoring lightly.

Ellie had snuck into their room and taken a photo of it, which was officially the cutest thing ever.

More planning for the wedding was done, and a colour scheme was decided. White, cream and baby blue. A dress was carefully selected, after many private seamstresses had been contacted, and finally the most beautiful dress was chosen.

A date was finally set for December 2nd. Even little Alice had a little blue bridesmaid dress.

"What do you think the babies will look like, when they're older?" Ellie looked at Arietta, they were both holding a child each, as Fred and George had to go to open the shop.

"I'd like to think that they'd look like Fred, but, they both have my eyes, blue, and if you look very closely at Alfie's head, there are some dark red hairs." Arietta smiled, kissing the top of her sons head fondly.

"This... this was never part of the plan... for you, was it?" Ellie asked carefully, shifting her goddaughter in her arms, as the baby dozed gently.

Arietta laughed lightly, trying to let Alfie sleep. "The plan? Ellie, my plan was perfect. Leave Hogwarts with straight O's, go back to Russia, find work as a travel journalist, work around a bit, maybe get married to Fred sooner or later, but not this year. No, children were never part of my plan. I wanted to see the world, for my parents to be proud of me. Well, that's never going to happen now." Arietta's voice broke, and Ellie rested Alice down on the pillow, and reached over to hug her best friend.

"But, you have an amazing fiancé, two kids that you love to the moon and back, your brother, the Weasleys! You've got an amazing job waiting for you at the Ministry, and you'll get to go to Russia!"

Arietta smiled weakly, the way that people smile when they're trying to stop the tears. "Yes. Yes, I suppose you're right. "

Arietta smiled at her best friend, and went back to snuggling her baby son, but the silent moment was interrupted by a large black owl clawing ferociously at the window.

Ellie shuffled Alice onto her left arm and reached out with her right to open the window, and stoke the all too familiar owl.

"Ellie? Do you know who's owl it is?" Arietta asked sleepily from the sofa/ She was half asleep, cuddled in blankets, and with a sleepy baby napping in the crook of her arm.

"Yeah... it's Irma... my family owl..." The owl rubbed it's head against her the palm of her hand, offering it's leg, to which an elegant gold letter was neatly tied.

Arietta opened her eyes a little further and peered at Ellie, who was standing frozen by the window.

Cautiously, Ellie opened the letter, and read it out loud.

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