Always the Joker

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"YES! YES OF COURSE I WILL!" Arietta screamed, quite forgetting about the babies. She looked nervously over at them, but somehow they had managed to stay asleep.

Fred kissed her passionately, and slipped the ring on her finger.

"I love you." He breathed, smiling at her.

"I love you too." Arietta smiled back.

"When should we tell the others?" Fred beamed, lifting her up and hugging her, spinning her round.

"Tomorro- Aaah! Fred! Put me down!" Arietta squealed as Fred lifted her over his shoulder.

It was the next day, and Molly, Arthur, Petja, Arietta and Fred where sat around the Weasley's kitchen table.

"There's... um, something we've got to tell you." Arietta started nervously, watching Petja.

"We're engaged!" Fred beamed, gripping hr hand under the table.

"Oh, dears, that's lovely news! Don't you think, Arthur?" Molly smiled, leaning over and kissing both Fred and Arietta on the cheek.

"Yes, it's wonderful!" Arthur smiled, hugging them both, "Congratulations!"

"Petja?" Arietta asked worriedly, eyeing her brother.

"I'm so happy for you, sister." Petja chuckled, shaking Fred's hand, and kissing his sisters cheek.

Molly started examining the engagement ring, just as George and Ellie came down.

"Looks like someone had a wild night." Fred joked, taking in the pairs messy hair, and tired appearence.

Fred opened his mouth to come back at his twin, but was cut off by a scream.

"DEAR MERLIN, YOU'RE ENGAGED!" Ellie screeched, snatching Arietta's hand from Molly and staring at the ring closely. "And where are my god-children?" She paused, frowning, looking at Fred and Ari.

"Upstairs. Hermione's looking after them." Fred answered, hugging his brother.

"I can't believe you proposed!" Ellie beamed, bouncing up and down on the spot, shaking Fred by the shoulders.

"Wait, that's I did? I was just tying my shoelace!" Fred joked, laughing.

"Always the joker." Arietta smiled, standing up on tiptoe to kiss her fiance.

"Uh, Arietta?" It was Hermione, stumbling down the stairs to the sounds of crying babies coming from upstairs. "I think Alfie wants food." She smiled weakly, grabbing some toast from the rack on the sideboard and nibbling hungrily.

"Thanks, Mione." Arietta sighed wearily. As if last night had been enough; Alfie and Alice had kept her awake for most of the night getting up to feed them. Fred, of course, didn't even stir.

When she got upstairs, she found Alice napping peacefully in her Moses basket, looking adorable tucked under the blanket, and Arietta noticed that Hermione had put on one of the little woollen headbands with a crochet rose on that was a present from Molly.

Alfie, however, was furiously kicking his blanket, his face screwing up as he cried.

"There, there, my little man." Arietta hushed him, pulling up her shirt as he began to suck.

Five minutes later, and Alfie also was sleepy, and as soon as Arietta layed him down carefully in his basket, he was asleep, gentle, high-pitched snores escaping his rosebud mouth.

Arietta trudged down the stairs again, and announced loudly.

"I think we should send out invitations for the engagement party." This got everyone's attention, and sure enough, she and Fred were bombarded with questions.

"What date would you have it?"

"Where would it be?"

"What about the babies christening?"


"Ahem." Arietta interrupted Ginny's question before her mind exploded. "It would be on September 30th, here at The Burrow, if that's ok with you Molly, and the babies christening will be in November. That clear everything up?"

Molly smiled at Arietta; she reminded her of herself when she was a young girl, organized.

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