Very Important

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Hey guys, I'm sorry, this isn't an update but is really important to me, and this story.

First of all, I've been rereading chapters and I've seen comments that actually can make me consider this story, because those comments are not structured to the form of 'constructive criticism' and are just plain rude. So, take a hint from Disney, if you've got nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all. I totally accept constructive criticism but I don't believe "If she's preggo I'll stab a bitch" falls into this category. So, yeah, say it in a way that I can either explain or change it. Thank you.

Secondly, I know I haven't been updating a lot recently, and I'm sorry. I've just been busy. The thing is, I can see this story going somewhere, but with so many bad comments I'm not sure whether I want to continue or not. So if you want me to update, and I see a good response on this, I'll try and update more regularly. Otherwise I will leave the story up but not update.

Thank you again :)


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