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Back home, I tried calling Belle several times after leaving her a series of texts but she never picked up.

Where was she? Why did she disappear when I needed her? I thought she would always be there.

For all the past few hours I had been haunted by the thought that I did something wrong. That maybe now Amber was upset with me because I put her on the spot or whatever.

I thought I had finally found a friend but apparently I managed to screw it up once again.

"God, why does life have to be so difficult?" I moaned as I lightly punched the wall.

After nervously scrolling the (very short) contact's list, I called my cousin Tyler.

"Hello, Pete?" thankfully, he picked up.

"Hey, Tyler. Yeah, it's me."

"Hey, what's up?"

"I was wondering if you'd come by," I said in one breath, "you know, to talk."

"Sorry, Pete," he said, "it's really not a good time. I'm in over my head with exams. I have no time."

"Oh," I mumbled, "I understand."

"What is it?" He then asked me. "Is something wrong?"

"No, don't worry." I lied. "I just wanted to hear from you."

"I see. Well, sorry again. I'll try to be there in two weeks, when I'll be done with exams, alright?"

"Yeah. Cool. See you then." I hung up.

Two weeks. I couldn't wait two weeks just to talk with someone.

I found myself walking back and forth the room in frustration, until I saw the laptop on my desk. What if? I thought to myself, What if I have this damn talk with Evelyn?

Problem was that I had told Evelyn the craziest of stories about me. I couldn't just go from 'cool new kid on the block' to 'loser of the year'.

Why did I even tell her all those lies anyway? Was I just trying to look cool? Or was I, like, flirting with her?

I didn't care about any of that, for I took the laptop, sat on my bed, and opened Facebook.

She was online. She seemed to spend a lot of time on the internet.

– Hey, Evelyn.

I impatiently waited a few minutes.

– if it isn't prince charming himself!

I smiled.

– Yeah, the one and only.

And there I was again with that fake badass attitude. I couldn't help myself, could I?

– what's poppin

– Wanna Skype?

I didn't really think before asking her that. It was a very rushed and unusual decision, but it was probably the only thing that could make me feel better in that moment.

– of course. I'm already there.

And she was. She seemed to be online pretty much everywhere. I took a deep breath and called her, webcam deactivated.

"Heya," she answered the call after a few seconds, "Peter Charming!"

"Yeah," I said with a bit less enthusiasm than her, "here I am."

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