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*R.I.P. Chester Bennington, frontman of one of my favorite bands growing up, Linkin Park.*

There are times when you wake up knowing that you have something in your life, whether it's an object or a person, and you're instantly happy because of it.

Those mornings, you just know your day is going to be awesome no matter what because of that.

That's how I felt the morning of December 27th, 2011. The official second day ever of my life with a girlfriend.

I was still half-asleep when my slightly open eyes glared at the light of day coming through the window's curtains, and the raging wind slamming on the closed door of my parents' bedroom sounded too close for comfort.

I contemplated the idea of getting up and closing the window of my parents' bedroom, just to get back to bed and get a little extra sleep, but I knew that, if I were to get up, I'd never want to go back to sleep.

So I stayed there, rather frustrated from the door slamming around without ever opening nor closing, watching my sleeping slowly fading away, and silently blaming my mother for wanting to air the bedroom up on a cold morning of late December.

But that's when I thought of her. When I was more on the 'half-awake' side than the 'half-asleep' one, Evelyn came to my mind. And I felt some kind of excitement coating my whole body from within, covering up that frustration from top to bottom.

My immediate reaction was to get the phone, still sleeping on the bedside table. I parted it from its charging cable and the screen lit up. Twenty minutes after ten in the morning. It wasn't too early, but still earlier than usual.

Actually, though, the first thing I looked at wasn't the time, but the notifications. Those four big digits invaded my eyesight anyway, but what I was most interested in was if there were any messages from Evelyn.

"Good morning my love :$"

This was the only text. And it was more than enough to bring a smile on my face and make me pop up to my feet.

"My lovely Avsam. Adorable morning, isn't it?" I typed all excited, while pointlessly rehearsing some noble facial expressions.

"A charming morning, some would say ;)" she wrote.

"The jokes are never gonna end, are they?" I chuckled. "You could've avoided the pedophile face, btw."

"Admit that's why you love me, Avsam." I don't think the smile on my face would leave any time soon.

"I'll admit. And, just so you know, today I'll think about you every second. So if I'm thinking too loudly, just let me know."

"I'll let you know :$" she wrote and I squinted.

"What's the deal with this face you're making?"

"That's my idea of the blushing face," she wrote.

Could you smile more than you already are? Because I feel like that's what I was doing right there. "You silly Avsam. I see you're using punctuation and capital letters too now, how's that?"

"Well, capital letter is automatic on the phone lol. But I am indeed typing better than usual. I know bad writing makes you mad."

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