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Waking up to snores on a Saturday morning was the last thing that she expected to wake up to. Mostly because she was used to sleeping alone and none of her friends snored. But when Demi awakened she heard the breathy snores in her right ear, and felt the warmth radiating from Trey's body because he was practically wrapped around her. And they were naked. Completely naked.

Demi had been a little tipsy last night, but she had been in her right mind so she remembered what happened. She had sex with Trey. Amazing, mind blowing, life changing sex. First it happened on his desk. It was quick and hot. Simply a way to get it out of their systems. Then Trey called his driver and they had sex again while driving through the rainy streets of Los Angeles with the partition rolled up. Coincidentally, Beyonce's "Partition" had been playing in the car. Then they did it again on his couch after they stumbled into his house. Again on the stairs. In the hallway. Then they finally made it into the bedroom. Demi didn't even know when they stopped, all she could remember was how it felt every time their bodies connected, every time she lost her breath, every time she saw stars, every time it was better than the last. But now she didn't know what to do.

Her fingers scraped through Trey's scalp as she craned her neck to look out of the window. It was still raining and she had no idea where she had haphazardly tossed her stuff last night. She didn't even tell her friends that she had left or who she had left with. They were probably freaking out. But she barely cared. She was a grown woman and last night had been...last night had been like a dream. It sounded cliche but that's the only way she knew how to describe it. It didn't feel real. After all of these years it shouldn't have been that perfect. There shouldn't have been all of that chemistry in between them. It shouldn't have felt so...magical.

Trey stirred in her arms so she looked down and noticed that he had opened his eyes and he was just staring at her. She looked away from him and continued to comb her fingers through his scalp, trying to come up with something to say. She had never been good with words. He always had been.

"Keep doing that," he moaned, burying his face into her chest as he released a deep breath. "I have a killer headache."

"Do you have some aspirin?" She questioned as Trey nodded.

"Take three of them. Two's not enough. And four will kill you," she advised, causing Trey to chuckle as he looked back up at her.

"I always take two though."

"And do your headaches ever actually go away?" She asked with a raised eyebrow. Now that he thought about it, they didn't. "Exactly. Two's not enough but four will definitely kill you. Aspirin is weird. Do you want me to get it?"

"I got it," he said, but didn't make any attempt to get up. "I could think of something else that could relieve my headache," he said as he kissed her neck, but she playfully pushed him off of her.

"I am fully satisfied for like the next year after last night," she giggled as she moved so that she was lying on one of the pillows on the bed. The rest had been discarded onto the floor.

"Damn, I still got it."

"Yeah, you definitely still have it. I should probably try to find my phone though. And head back home. My friends must be going crazy," she thought out loud, but still didn't show any signs of moving.

"The rain looks pretty bad. Just stay here until it settles down. I'll make some breakfast, then we can actually talk and catch up," Trey suggested, playing with her fingers. "Just don't go yet."

"Well, since you're begging," she chuckled, but still, neither of them moved.

Instead the sound of the rain slowly lured them back to sleep.

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