Chapter 5

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She clears her throat and looks around herself uncomfortably, knowing that at least someone around her must know that her walk is somehow strange. The hallway is crowded, and she's trying to make it into the History class, but the soreness in her lower abdomen and legs is too much to walk quicker. She hopes she doesn't see her, or her friend Gigi. She just wants to arrive at her class and finish already this day. However, she isn't lucky today, as a hand rest on her shoulder.

"What's wrong with you?" Gigi laughs loudly, earning some bad looks from people around the hallway. Karlie grips her books harder, and fakes a smile.

"What do you mean?" she plays dumb, shaking her head.

Gigi looks her up and down. "You walk like a duck or something, I don't know,"

Karlie scoffs. "I walk like this everyday," she lies, and she knows that Gigi knows that she's lying.

"C'mon, what's wrong? You seem strangely happy and confused," her friend comments, looking her up and down again. She's about to reply, to tell Gigi that she's okay and that nothing's wrong, but then she sees her face, her long legs walking in the middle of the hallway and oh shit, she's coming their way. She knows that if she tries to escape this Gigi will get suspicious, and she just panics right there, not knowing what to do. When Taylor is about three metres from them, the blonde meets her stare, smirks, and in a seductive voice says, "Hi," and she keeps walking, leaving Karlie a flustered mess.

Gigi looks behind them, searching for Taylor's face, and when she turns back to Karlie, the taller girl doesn't want to see the realisation on her face or eyes. "Oh my god," her friend whispers.

"What?" she tries to contain her giggle, but fails miserably.

"Oh my god, what was that, Karlie?" her friend asks with a surprised face.

"What was what?" Karlie doesn't meet her eyes but she knows exactly what Gigi means by that. She means her strange exchange with Taylor and the blonde's smirks.

"You slept with Taylor?!" Gigi exclaims a little too loud. A few pair of eyes watch them curiously at the sudden mention of Taylor and possibly one of her new victim.

"What?! W–what are you talking about?" she says, trying to sound surprised. She doesn't want to say that aloud. She knows that what Taylor and her did last night was only theirs. She couldn't share what exactly happened last night with Taylor.

"Oh my god, you slept with Taylor last night," Gigi says, releasing a little giggle. "You and Taylor fucked last night and that's why you can't walk properly. Oh my god," her friend starts to laugh, and Karlie looks at her confused.

"What? I–I didn't sleep with her," she tries to save her dignity, but she knows that everything she will say to try and deny what Gigi just said, her friend won't belive her.

"You did, and you look like a duck right now, oh my god," Gigi laughs harder, and suddenly she grabs Karlie's arms and drags both of them to the bathroom. She locks it behind her and controls that there's no one in the room with them. "So, how was it? Was it good? Was she amazing like everyone says?"

"I'm not having this conversation right now,"

"Oh, yes, you're my best friend and I want to know the details. I know you want to share them with someone and that someone is me," Gigi says smugly. Karlie purses her lips tightly, not wanting to spill everything. "So? I'm waiting. We won't go to class until you tell me what happened. I want to know,"

"Oh, fine," Karlie grunts, covering her face as she feels herself blushing at just the thought of what happened last night. "Okay, you're right, we fucked last night. A lot. She seemed jealous when I was talking to some guy, and she practically dragged me to our room and then it just happened," Karlie shrugs, not wanting to really go into the details.

"And?" her friend says with a hopeful smile.

"And what? We had sex and then we fell asleep," she replies.

Gigi shakes her head in disappointment. "No, I want more, Karlie,"

Karlie sighs and shakes her head, frustrated. "Ok we tried a lot of things like 
–like I sat on her face, alright? It was amazing and she has...amazing fingers and an amazing tongue and she's really great," she outbursts, and Gigi is staring at her with an amazed face.

"So it's true," her friend says with a grin. "She's really great like everyone says," she adds.

"Yeah, she is," Karlie agrees, nodding.

"What was that exchange in the hallway that I was so lucky to assist?" she asks with a chuckle.

"I don't–" just as she was about to finish her sentence, her cellphone vibrated.

Meet me in the library in ten minutes. There's no one here and it is more safe than our room, believe me.

She blushes furiously, and Gigi notices it immediately. "What did she say?" she asks, already knowing who it was.

"I have to go," she replies, not telling her smug friend what Taylor wrote to her in that message. She hears Gigi's laugh behind her, but she's more focused on her rapid heartbeat and the tingling feeling between her legs as she makes her way towards the library.

A/N: tell me what you think in the comments 😁

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