Chapter 18

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"So, tell me about Karlie. What was it like  when you were togethe?"

They were walking side by side when Ariana asked her this particular question. She starts blushing; she's still new to these strange feelings she has for her ex-girlfriend, and talking to someone about Karlie is still new. "Um," she starts with an awkward chuckle. "She's a really good kisser. She makes this funny face when she tries to concentrate too hard. She...she is really good at baking. When we were together she would bring me pancakes for breakfast and I would try not to fall for her even though I was. I was falling hard and I didn't even know it."

"She must be someone who cares about people, then. She seems lovely," the shorter girl smiles in her direction. "Or maybe you're just in love."

Taylor's face is crimson red and she tries not to let it show as she looks away from her friend. "You don't have to turn away, baby, I can see your blushing face," Ariana smirks.

The blond sighs and pretends to be annoyed by the shorter girl. "I've never felt this way," she mumbles lightly and somehow blushes even harder.

"Isn't it the best feeling in the world? Your stomach starts to roll, your heart beats faster when you see her, and your smile comes easier at just the thought of her," Ariana says dreamily. Taylor looks at her unimpressed, and starts laughing hard.

"Why are you so..." the blond tries to find a word to define the girl but fails.

"Romantic?" Ariana finishes for her. "I've always been a romantic bitch. I don't believe in fairytales, but I believe in soulmates," she says becoming a little serious at the mention of soulmates.

Taylor's lips twitch and they turn upwards in the most shy smile that Ariana has ever seen. "Do you think that maybe...Karlie is my soulmate?"

The shorter girl shrugs. "Maybe. Who knows," she smiles warmly at her friend. Just when Taylor was about to reply her phone started ringing. Her stomach rolls in her chest when she sees who is calling her.

"Who is it?" Ariana asks, trying to see the blond's phone but failing because of her height.

"Karlie," Taylor whispers. They both stop in the middle of the hallway, and the blond hesitates before responding the phone. "Hello?" she says, her voice shaking.

"Taylor? Is that you?" Karlie asks. Her voice seems surprised.

"Yeah, it's me," she replies.

"Just wanted to make sure the one who gave me your phone number wasn't tricking me," she comments laughing softly. There's a silence on the line and when the blond looks over to Ariana, the shorter girl asks her silently What does she want?

"Why did you call me?" she asks bravely, her cheeks immediately flaming red.

"Um...I wanted to ask you if you wanted to get coffe in two hours, maybe? Just to...catch up," she mumbles, her voice sounding shy and hesitant.

A smile makes its way on the blond's lips, and tries to ignore the butterflies flying freely on her stomach. "Sure. Where do we meet?"

"Um, maybe at the cafeteria in front of the English room? In two hours?"

"Sound good. See you there. Bye," she hungs up shortly after and takes a deep breath to steady her racing heart.

"Did she just ask you to hang out?" Ariana asks surprised, her eyes wide.

"Yeah, she did. I'll see her at the cafeteria in two hours. What should I do?" she asks, anxiety ripping her mind. Ariana smirks, and without saying anything she drags her towards their room by the hand.

What am I gonna do?


She walks in the cafeteria two minutes before four o'clock. There's no one in there, the place is closed, and maybe Karlie just wanted some privacy. She sits in one of the chairs in the end of the closed cafeteria, and it isn't long before the tall girl enters the place. She seems surprised to find the blond already here, but as soon as they stand near each other there's awkwardness flying around.

"Hey, um," she pauses. "Take a seat, here," Taylor sits beside Karlie and plays with the fingers in her lap. "How are you?"

"I'm doing good. Thanks," the tall girl smiles. "What about you?"

"Good, good," she replies. There's an uncomfortable silence between them and it's clear that they can't be friends. When they were together, whenever they would see each other they would hug or kiss on the lips. Now they're sitting beside one another having nothing to talk about.

"How are you and Bridget?" Taylor asks, hating the sound of her voice; distant and slightly cold. She doesn't want to know how the couple is, but she wants to demonstrate to the girl that they can be friends.

"You don't have to ask," Karlie shakes her head. "I know that you don't care about that,"

"No, I care about it. If you need any help maybe I can give it to you," she says forcing a smile. "Let me be your friend,"

"Well um, we're doing good. She's an amazing girl. There's that," Karlie fakes a smile, trying to sound convincing. Taylor nods and looks away, having hopes to hear bad news instead of good ones.

"Do you love her?" she lets this question slip past her mouth and when she wants to take it back it's too late.

"It's too soon, you know," Karlie says embarrassed. "I like her, though. She's a good girl,"

Taylor nods, and she from here she doesn't know what to say.

"And you?"

"I what?" she asks confused.

"You and Ariana. Are you two together?" she asks and her voice is skeptical and cold, like she's judging her. Just when Taylor was about to reply to her, Karlie's phone starts ringing, signaling a message. The tall girl reads it, and a frown makes its way on her face.

"I'm sorry. My girlfriend needs my help in Math. I have to go," she says with a sad smile.

Taylor smiles. "Go. She needs your help," she says, trying to sound happy for her. Karlie smiles and stands up, ready to get out of the place.

"Before you leave..." Taylor starts and hesitates as soon as Karlie turns around to meet her stare. Her eyes are hopeful and just so green that Taylor can't risk their somewhat new friendship. She can't just tell her that she's in love with her, that she didn't want to fall in love even though she did, because looking in those eyes is the most beautiful thing she has ever done and she wants to keep doing it. She wants to look into her eyes and get lost in them, and if she tells Karlie she loves her, maybe she will walk away again and she will never get the chance to bury herself in the forest eyes that the tall girl posses. So no, she will keep her feelings to herself and she won't risk their friendship. She doesn't want to lose her when she just got her. "Nothing. I forgot," she shrugs, averting her eyes.

Karlie nods unsure, and without saying anything, she turns around and exits the cafeteria, unaware of the tears that were falling from Taylor's ocean blue eyes.

A/N: I'm so happy that you're loving Ariana in this story lol. I told you she's not the one you have to worry about 😂 thank you so much for reading and for those who comment. I read all of them even though sometimes I don't reply.

Love you so much ♡♡♡

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