Chapter 24

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Everyone around her is celebrating the end of the school, and she hates to admit that she's sad and bored as she sits beside her best friend. They watch as students run around the school's garden, laughing and screaming.

There was some hope inside of the blonde that right now, as the time flew by, faded slowly.

"Maybe you were right," Ariana says all of a sudden. Taylor turns towards her, and silently asks her what does she mean by her statement. "Maybe she really doesn't want to deal with you,"

Taylor sighs quietly and turns back around, staring at the boys and girls having fun. The last hope she had faded away as soon as Ariana's words escaped the shorter girl's mouth. She knew that she would have ruined everything by telling Karlie her true feelings, but it was worth a shot. Everything that involved getting Karlie back was worth a shot, simply because the tall girl was worth it.

She was and still is Taylor's first love, and the blonde doesn't know how to move on and love somebody else who isn't Karlie. How could she? Karlie has got her heart, she couldn't just take it back. If only it was that simple.

"Yeah, I guess," she mumbles. "I have to move on."

Her voice quivers lightly, and Ariana hears it quickly, because she just smiles in her direction and places her small hand on her knee. "I promise it will get better with time."

"I hope you're right because then I would be miserable," Taylor chuckles sadly. "I really love her, Ariana." she admits, and the seriousness of her voice doesn't scare her at all. Maybe, three months ago, she would be scared of these feelings, but now she just has accepted them and has fully embraced them. It was just too late, though.

"As soon as the school finishes, I want you to tell me where you'll go and what you'll do with your life, okay?" Ariana says, changing the subject. Taylor is glad of it, and she shows it with a small smile on her lips.

"I will," she assures her friend. "I will tell you how miserable my life will––"

"Wait," Ariana stops her, putting a hand over Taylor's mouth. "Oh, fuck," she curses, her brown eyes widening. "Oh, shit. Yes, Jesus, yes!"

"What?" Taylor asks, about to turn around and look at whatever has caught the shorter girl's attention.

"No, don't!" Ariana stops her, blocking her by placing both of her hands on her shoulders. "Don't turn around. Don't be suspicious,"

"What? Why?"

"She's coming. Oh shit, Karlie is coming our way," Ariana drops the bomb and suddenly Taylor's world is spinning. Karlie? "She spotted us. Oh god, she's coming here. Oh shit,"

Taylor doesn't have the time to prepare herself because all of a sudden, a finger is tapping lightly at her shoulder and Ariana's gaze is far too high. The blonde turns around slowly and she swallows the gasp that wanted to escape from her mouth.


"Taylor," the tall girl flashes her a nervous smile, before adding, "Can I talk to you, please?"

Ariana and Taylor look at each other before the shorter girl says, "Girls, I have to go right now. I forgot something in my room. See you later," she says. She hugs her best friend quickly, and whispers just for them, "Don't fuck this up. This is your opportunity,"

When they separate they share a meaningful look, and then Karlie and Taylor are finally alone this time. They chuckle nervously, not knowing how to act around one another. "Listen, I'm sorry about––"

"No," Karlie interruptes her. "You don't need to talk, I will do it. You said what you wanted to say at prom, but I didn't answer, remember? This will be my reply."

Taylor nods quickly, and focuses her attention on the tall girl who possesses electric green eyes. "I was scared. When we broke up I was devastated and scared because I've never felt thia way before. Sure, I loved people before, but not like that. So, I run away to something that would be safer. I ran away to Bridget and I never realized that she wasn't what I wanted until you made me realize that with your words. The only thing that I want right now, is you, and only you. You're the one that I want to kiss before we fall asleep on each other's arms. You're the one I want to hold hands with in the park. You're the one I want to kiss goodbye before you leave for work. You're the one that I want, Taylor, and I blame myself for keeping us apart."

The blonde's mouth is slightly parted, and she wants to say so much things but she doesn't have enough strength to talk right now.

Karlie takes her hand and squeezes it lightly, flashing her a small smile. "Maybe it is too soon, but I want to try again. I want to give us a chance, Taylor,"

"You will give me a chance? Even though I hurt you deeply?" Taylor asks incredulously. She can't believe what she's hearing. Maybe she's dreaming.

"I will give you another chance, yes," Karlie says, before chuckling emotionally. She cups the blonde's face with her right hand, their foreheads now touching. "Do you want to try again?"

"I do," Taylor smiles, and that's enough confirmation for the tall girl. Karlie leans in slowly, timidly, and captures the blonde's lips in a sweet kiss. They're both smiling, and this feels like kissing for the first time. When they pull away slightly they laugh quietly at each other.

"I never thought that this would happen," Taylor confesses quietly. Karlie just smiles at her and kisses her again. For Taylor, it was like a dream coming true.

Maybe Ariana was right about soulmates; if they really existed, then Karlie was hers and she was Karlie's.


( oh my god guys, this story is finished like...

I hope you like this! I don't know when I will start publishing the sequel, but it's coming!

As always, tell me what you think about this, and maybe what your favorite character was, what your favorite and least favorite scene was.

Thank you and love you so much ♡

P.s I have a new story called pendulum and is kaylor. I hope it will be successful because I really love that idea ♡ )

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