Chapter 21

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( I know that maybe no one cares about it, but I published a story about Ariana! It would mean a lot to me if you will leave a comment or vote in it ♡ )

The worst moments in your life happen when you least expect them. Taylor was strumming her guitar and singing the song she has just wrote with her friend when someone knocks on her door. Ariana was currently having an English lesson, amd she would return to the room in three hours, so she wouldn't be the one on the other side of the door.

She furrows her brows and stands up. She nears the front door and opens it with shaky hands, and her confusion grows even more when she finds a policeman and the principal in front of her. As soon as she sees the sad expression on their face, she immediately senses that something is clearly wrong. "Miss Swift, can we have a word with you?" the policeman asks, and Taylor nods.

She exits her room and closes the door behind her. "We are deeply sorry for what happened. Your father took his own life last night at midnight. Since he was in jail, we found out his lifeless body this morning. He left a note in top of his bed,"

Taylor's mouth hangs wide open, and the world around them stops moving. The policeman hands her a piece of paper, and she takes it with trembling hands. "We're really sorry, Taylor," the principal says, placing one of his hands on her shoulder.

The blond doesn't say anything. "Is that it?" she asks, her voice sounding sharp and cold. The two men look at each other perplexed, nodding. "Fine, thank you," she concludes, and shoots the best fake smile in their direction before going back to her room.

She doesn't know what they may think of her in this precise moment, but she doesn't care.

She sits in the bed and opens the letter. She doesn't know what to expect from her father, but she hopes that there aren't cruel words. She doesn't even want to open it, but she has to. She needs to know what her father wrote in this paper.

When she is face to face with the open letter, there are few sentences handwritten.

          Taylor, my daughter, I'm really sorry for the past years. I should've been a better dad, a better husband. I ruined your childhood, and for that I'm deeply sorry. I hope you have a better life now, some friends, maybe someone to love. Even when I'll go to hell, you will always be on my mind.

                           I love you, Taylor. Goodbye

Tears are streaming down her puffy cheeks steadily, and she doesn't know the cause of them. She has hated him for years and years, but a single letter and three simple words cut through her walls and pushed her down. She passes one hand through her messy blond hair, and a sob escapes from her parted lips. The pain she feels right now is indescribable and has left her speechless.

She lies on her back, keeping the peace of paper close to her chest as she cries shamelessly. In this moment she wishes she wasn't so alone, because suddenly she needs someone holding her, telling her that it's going to be alright. But no one wasn't. She wss alone, and now her father left her too for unknown reasons.

Maybe he was just tired of living his pointless life in jail, or maybe he was just tired of living. She wishes she knew, because now, after the pain and the sadness, she feels madness. She is mad because her father left this world when he had no real reasons to.

She lets out a tiny whimper, and laying on her side, she falls asleep after what seems like hours.


When she wakes up, someone is once again knocking on her door. She realises that Ariana is still not here, but she left her a text message.

I'm so sorry for your loss. We will talk about it later tonight, if you want.

She smiles weakly, and thanks whatever God is up there for making her cross paths with Ariana. She is so sweet that she's glad that she has her by her side, otherwise she would truly be alone in this moment.

She remembers that someone was at the door, but even though Ariana sent her that message, maybe she was the one knocking the door. Tears come to her eyes once again, and just when the room starts to open, she says, "Go away, Ariana,"

She knows that her friend wants to talk about it no matter what, but right now she just wants to be left alone. She doesn't want to talk about her feelings on this.

"I'm sorry,"

However, as soon as Taylor hears that voice, she turns around quickly and is surprised to see Karlie walking towards her bed. The blond sits and wipes furiously at her tears, not wanting to seem weak in front of her ex-girlfriend. "It's okay," she says, her voice barely above a whisper.

Karlie sits beside her, and shakes her head. "I'm sorry about your dad," she mumbles. She hesitates when adding, "and I'm sorry about our argument. I didn't want to hurt you like that,"

Taylor looks at her, and in that moment she just wanted to kiss her. The sudden desire to close the distance between their faces in unbearable, and she doesn't realize that she's leaning in until Karlie stops her, both of her hands on top of her shoulders. "I can't. We can't," she whispers. "I'm with Bridget, you know that,"

Taylor averts her eyes, and looks down at her hands. "Yeah, I know. Unfortunately you're with Bridget," she replies, not meeting Karlie's burning gaze.

She knows that millions of questions are floating around the tall girl's mind, but she doesn't want to answer them now.

"Do you want me to stay?" Karlie asks, sounding unsure.

Yes. "No, I need to be alone. I can get through this alone, don't worry about me."

Karlie nods, and just like that, she's walking out of the room, leaving Taylor behind.

( I didn't proofread this, hope there aren't errors. Hope you liked this and as alwayd tell me what you think about this. (:

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