Chapter 10

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She was almost sleeping when suddenly the door opened slowly. She sits up quickly, expecting to see Karlie's face. Instead, a 5'0" girl walked in the room dragging a suitcase with her.

"Um..." she hesitates, looking around herself to find her glasses. When she finds them, she puts them on and turns the lamp on her bed table on. "What are you doing here? I don't know you,"

The brunette looks up to her with wide eyes. "Oh, sorry," she mumbles. Taylor sits up in bed, to have a better look at the new girl. "I'm sorry, but I'm your new roommate," she smiles.

The blonde narrows her eyes. New what? "What are you talking about?"

"The roommate that was here with you asked to change room, and so I'm your new one," she explains, placing her suitcase in front of her own bed. She sits down on it letting out a sigh. "Why are you so surprised? Didn't she tell you that she was changing room?"

What the fuck is happening? "No..." Taylor shakes her head, averting her eyes.

"Well," the brunette starts, shrugging. "Whatever happened between you made her change the room," she jokes, giggling softly, but the blonde didn't find it funny. She was so confused right now. She didn't expect Karlie to change room so suddenly, after their break up. Well, I guess she really loved me then. But I don't care. I can't love her right now.

"Alright, then," Taylor sighs. "Nice to meet you, I'm Taylor. Taylor Swift,"

The brunette smiles and shakes her hand. "Ariana. Ariana Grande," she says.

"It's a cute name," Taylor comments smiling. "It suits you. Do you get offended if I tell you that you look like a doll?"

"No," Ariana laughs softly, shaking her head. "Everybody tell me that I look like a mini doll or something," she adds. "Well, if you don't mind, I will go get changed in the bathroom. I'm really tired at the moment,"

"Go ahead," Taylor mumbles, and she keeps the smile on her face until the girl disappears on the bathroom. Her smile instantly vanishes, as she thinks about what just happened. Karlie changed room because of me.

Letting out a puff, she picks up the phone and sends quickly a message to the taller girl; she doesn't care if she's awake or not. She presses send as soon as she finishes typing.

Ok fine. I won't disturb you. I know what you did. You changed room, I know. Because this little girl came in and said that she was my new roommate. Fantastic. Listen, honestly, I don't care where you are or who you are with. I will stop messaging you, because I don't care about you. Goodbye.

Sent at 1.27 am

The bathroom door opens swiftly, revealing the shorter girl in a pastel color pajama. Taylor puts on her best fake smile and takes off her glasses. She lies on her side, facing Ariana's bed, and waits for the girl to get under the blankets.

"Well, I guess...goodnight?" she says, and her voice is hesitant, like she doesn't know if she should speak with the blonde or not. Taylor shakes her head and smiles at her.

"I know you want to know what happened between me and my former roommate," she says quietly and with a teasing smile.

"I...yeah. I'm a really curious person, sorry," Ariana shrugs, mimicking Taylor's actions and lying on her side too. "What happened? Only if you want to tell me, though,"

"We..." she starts, but doesn't really know how to explain this to someone else. "We met about a month ago, at the start of school. She was, as you know, my roommate and we, like, at a birthday party, one of my friends told me that if I wanted three thousand dollars I had to 'date' my roommate. So I just thought...why not? They're a lot of money. So I just...we started dating right after and of course she didn't know of this, like, bet between me and my friend. So we dated for a month, because that was what the bet said. So we just...broke up and she told me she loves me and I just can't. I can't love her. When I said that it was just a bet...I think I hurt her. Deeply. But I don't...I don't care about her. I don't care about anyone and I just can't help it. I'm like this, I'm just a good fuck," Taylor explains, her voice neutral.

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