Chapter 23

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The day before the last day of school was odd. Ariana underlined everyone's curious gaze that was aimed at the blonde about two hours ago, and Taylor didn't know what to make of it. They're walking side by side, having nothing to do since the school is just about to finish the next day.

"She didn't text you? She didn't tell you anything?" Ariana asks for the thousandth time today.

"I haven't talked to her since last night, at prom. I don't know what to do or what to think, honestly. Maybe she's scared of me and now she just doesn't want to deal with me," Taylor says emotionless, shrugging. "I guess I will get over her,"

Ariana stops abruptly and Taylor realises that after some time. She turns around and looks at her friend with a confused look. As soon as she's in front of her, ready to ask her what was wrong, Ariana's hand flies across her face, slapping her lightly.

"What was that for?"

"You're so stupid! How could you even say that?" her friend asks with an accusing tone. There's no playfulness in her face and the blonde just purses her lips tightly. "You're fucking in love with her, you won't just give up on her! Fight for her, Taylor! I will beat your ass if you won't,"

"Okay, okay, calm down! Stop raising your voice," Taylor says with a exhilarated smile, placing both of her hands on Ariana's shoulders. "Everyone's looking at us, stop,"

The shorter girl sighs in frustration and averts her eyes.

"Why are you so angry at this? You're not in love with me right?" Taylor asks. Ariana lets out a humorless laugh and shakes her head.

"No, I'm not," she replies. "It's just...I care about you and I want the best for you. I want to see you happy and I only see that side of Taylor when you're around Karlie. I'm not blind,"

"Thank you so much, Ariana," Taylor smiles softly, embracing her friend in a warm and tight hug. "I love you, thank you for being there for me."

"I will always be there for you," the shorter girl whispers, rising on her tiptoes to kiss the taller girl's right cheek. They laugh lightly for a second before a boy they didn't know approached them. Apparently he knew Ariana, and they shared a familiar hug as they greeted one another.

"Ariana, you can't believe what happened," he says, excitement written all over his face. The shorter girl has a weird smile in her face. Taylor feels a little left out as she takes a tiny step back to let them talk to each other.

"What is it?" Ariana asks.

"You know that couple? Um...Bridget and another girl? I think her name was Karlie," he mumbles, tapping his chin. The shorter girl suddenly becomes interested, widening her eyes.

"What? What happened?" she asks. Somehow hope rises in Taylor's chest, but she knows not to let it get to her head. Maybe it wasn't even that special, and she shouldn't even be listening to this conversation.

"They broke up! Everyone in the school is talking about this messy break up that now they can't even stand beside one another!" he exclaims. "It's strange, everyone knew about this."

"Karlie and Bridget broke up?" Ariana asks, schocked. Taylor, behind her, is even more shocked as her mouth hangs open.

"Yeah, I got to go now! Bye," he says quickly, before running away in the hallway. Ariana turns around to face her friend, but a smile is dancing on her opened mouth.

"You heard him," she says with a smirk. "This is God telling you to fucking move your ass and get your girl!" she yells playfully at the blonde who is still in shock.

"They broke up? Are you sure?" Taylor asks. She doesn't want to get her hopes up, because what if it was just a rumour?

"Are you kidding me? It's not a rumour, Tay! This is your chance to be happy, to be finally with someone who makes you happy," Ariana explains, rubbing up and down her hands on Taylor's arms. "This is you chance, Taylor," she adds quietly with a small grin. "If you want it, take it,"

"I...what if I will fuck up?" Taylor asks, biting her bottom lip anxiously.

"You won't, I promise," Ariana smiles. She sighs, before asking. "Do you believe in soulmates?"

"I don't know, I like to think that soulmates exits, yeah," Taylor replies unsure of where this is going. Her friend's brown eyes sparkle in happiness and excitement.

"Well, then," Ariana chuckles lightly. "You can't keep soulmates apart for long. They complete each other. If you keep them apart,  in the end they will always come together, because when something is meant to be, it is meant to be."

"What if Karlie isn't my soulmate?"

"Do you want me to slap you or something?" Ariana laughs. "I'm sure you are soulmates, Taylor. She makes you happy, and you both complete each other. Please, babe, give her a chance. She deserves it,"

Taylor is still unconvinced, but she nods anyway. She wants to try to win Karlie back, even though it might not work. The look on Ariana's face tells her that she can do it, because that night she opened up to Karlie the tall girl didn't exactly rejected her, so there might still be a chance for them.

"Okay. I will give her a chance."

(A/N: soooo this is the chapter before the ending lololol. But don't worry, I've got big news for you! The next chapter WILL be the last to this story, but there will be a sequel, that's for sure.

I will leave the cover just for you

(i'm so excited for thiss!!!)

Made by the lovely and talented swiftklosses ♡

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Made by the lovely and talented swiftklosses

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