Chapter 8

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She was kissing the taller girl's neck furiously when Karlie stopped her. "Taylor," she pants, trying to push the blonde away. "I need to talk to you," she adds, but Taylor's mouth sucking and biting her pulse point isn't helping.

"What is it?" the shorter girl asks, as her hands wonder down the taller girl's body, cupping her behind in her hands as Karlie sits on her lap now.

"I think we should talk about us," Karlie says, her eyes closed as she enjoys the feeling of the blonde's lips on her collarbone. However, Taylor stops her actions and her hands freeze on her bottom.

"What about us?" she asks, and Karlie can tell that she's nervous. Gigi's words echoes on her mind as she looks deep in Taylor's blue orbs, feeling herself drown in the shorter girl's oceans. The taller girl smiles, and strokes her right cheek, pecking her nose playfully.

"Nothing. I'm just really happy to be with you right now," Karlie whispers, and she doesn't let Taylor the right to reply to her because she locks their lips in a passionate kiss, and she pushes her down the bed, straddling her waist.

"Are you okay?" Karlie asks, sitting on Taylor's abdomen and looking down at her girl. The blonde smiles a little, but doesn't reply verbally, so the taller girl just smiles at her and bends down to kiss and lick her pulse point. However, Taylor puts both of her hands on her shoulder, and pushes her away.

"We should go to sleep. It's late," she says in a whisper. Karlie agrees, and lays beside the girl, placing her head on her chest and throwing a leg over her. The lights are off, and the only light is the moonlight that enters from the windows.  Soon, the taller girl hears the blonde's soft snores, and snuggles even closer to her, falling a little more in love with her as she listens to her steady and calm heartbeat.

"I fell in love with you," she whispers, and kisses her collarbone through the fabric of her pajamas, knowing that Taylor didn't hear her since she was already asleep. She doesn't know why, but she feels herself getting emotional, as she thinks about the possibility of Taylor hurting her. Gigi is only worried because I'm dating the girl who 'fucks around'. That's what people say. She smells Taylor's scent, and closes her eyes, trying to find some peace in this horrible storm that she is in.


It's been about a month since they started dating, and Karlie feels like something is wrong in her girlfriend. Not only in her, but in Gigi, too. Her friend has been avoiding her like she has some kind of disease, and Karlie just wants to talk to somebody and feel normal again. She was walking down the hall, with Taylor's fingers intertwined with hers, walking towards their shared room. Taylor has been silent for too long, and Karlie feels like she has lost interest in her, somehow.

They reach their room, and when Karlie opens and closes the door, she asks the girl, "Are you okay?"

Taylor looks at her like she has three heads. "What?"

"I mean, you've been acting strange for theee days now. What's wrong? Did I do something?" she asks nervously. Taylor sighs loudly and starts pacing around the room.

", it's not you. It's me," Taylor replies, not meeting the green eyed girl. Karlie is confused. What's wrong with her?

"What about you?" Karlie dares to ask, trying to meet the blonde's stare but failing miserably.

"I don't want to do this.'s not working for me anymore," Taylor explains, shaking her head and clenching her jaw firmly. The blonde is standing in front of her now, but she doesn't meet her stare.

"What are you talking about? We're fine," Karlie says, trying not to sound offended or hurt by her girl's sentence.

"No, we're not," Taylor shakes her head firmly. "We're not fine. You and I aren't working anymore. I don't feel like keep doing this, Karlie."

"Are you kidding me?" Karlie exclaims, exploding and throwing her arms in the air. "Taylor we are fine. We're okay. You're not making any sense."

"We are not fine, Karlie! I don't want to keep doing this! I don't want to be your girlfriend anymore! We weren't even girlfriends! You put that label on us, I didn't!" Taylor says, finally meeting the girl's stare. Karlie feels the lump in her throat begin to burn, but she tries her best to ignore it.

There's a pause in their conversation, before Karlie asks, "Are you breaking up with me?"

Taylor opens her mouth just to close it again. The taller girl stares at her dumbfounded, her mouth open. "You are. You are breaking up with me," Karlie states just to see the shorter girl's reaction.


The taller girl shakes her head, the tears finally spilling from her eyes, and she turns her back to the girl. I have a feeling that she's up to something, and that something is going to hurt you. Gigi's words sound in her mind, and she covers her eyes as tears fall down quickly and uncontrollably.  "Is there someone else?" she asks, but she doesn't want to know the answer.

"No," she hears Taylor reply, but she isn't sure if she believes her or not.

She turns around quickly, and shows her tears to the shorter girl. "Taylor, please. I want us to work. We can work this out, please. I don't want you to leave me," she pleads her, and a sob escapes her lips just as she finishes her statement.

"Why would you want us to work? I'm not right for you," Taylor mumbles, averting her eyes.

Karlie knows she shouldn't be saying this now, but maybe it's her only chance to make Taylor stay. "Because I'm in love with you. I love you," she whispers, and Taylor's mouth hangs open, looking at her with big and surprised eyes. "I love you, Taylor," she repeats, and she tries to reach out to her, but the blonde shakes her head and walks towards the door with shaky legs.

"I don't love you, Karlie," Taylor says. "This was just a bet between me and Cara. It was all a joke,"

Karlie feels her heart breaking inside of her chest, and she feels like she's about to vomit.

"Cara told me that if I fake dated you for a whole month, then she would give me three thousand dollars. I won, so I don't need you anymore. Goodbye, Karlie," Taylor finishes, opening the door and walking away from the taller girl, as Karlie falls down on her knees and starts sobbing uncontrollably.

She never knew that a bet would hurt this much.

(A/N: for some of you this may be fast, but it's not for me lol. So, kaylor is now broken up and Taylor broke Karlie's heart. In the next few chapters, the last two new characters are going to make their first appearance! I hope you like this, and tell me what you think!😊)

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