4. Paws

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I apologize, this chapter is rather short. It's busy in college, so there's not much going on in it, but the next chapter will be longer! Since I'm on spring break I'll release it earlier (probably Wednesday or something) as an apology as well as another chapter on Saturday (Chapter 6 will be a doozy! Big reveal happening in it)


I sat at the check out desk, waiting for the current three classes to pick their books. "Okay Fuko," I whispered to my cat friend. "What do you think?" I finished writing my last idea for a nickname for the Adrien kid.

Fuko hovered over my list and read it, "Well cat-kid, kitty, and kitten might be a little weird for you to be calling him that, don't you think? Plus it might be a little obvious or unnerving for him!"

I couldn't argue with that, I mostly just put those on there to make the list seem longer anyways. I scratched those off. "So up next I have sunshine, because the freak never stops smiling, toddy, and whites."

"Okay, sunshine is creepy, don't call him that!" Fuko advised. "But what's up with toddy and whites?"

"Ehhh ignore toddy, it's pretty stupid. Whites was just because he wears that white jacket all the time."

"Well you wear black and grey all the time, nobody calls you blacks or greys."

"Fair," I looked down at my list still musing over something else I could call him. "Nope, nope nope..." I gazed down at my list and scratched out, Mr. Model, Ninny, Churl, but I hesitated on the next one, "What about dalcop?"

Fuko's face furrowed in concentraition, "Wow that's a word I haven't heard for a while... It's a little mean isn't it?"

"Well it's not my meanest one, and I doubt he'd even knows what it means," I reasoned.

"You know what it means!" she hissed at me.

I scratched dalcop off the list, "But fopdoodle's fun," I commented, although I scratched that one off too.

"How about a nickname that isn't an insult from medieval times," Fuko suggested.

Two girls came up to the desk, a tall one wearing all purple and black, and a short one wearing nothing but pink. Wait I second, I recognized that short one. She was the one who was looking for a romance novel when I first started working at the library.

"We'd like to check out these books please!!" the one in pink said excitedly handing me two books.

"Names?" I asked. "And who is checking out what?"

"Rose Lavillant!!" the one in pink exclaimed excitedly, "I'm checking out that book! With the paw prints! It's a romance story between two cats! One's an alley cat and the other a luxurious cat of a wealthy owner!! It's so romantic!"

I would've found her bubbly peppiness charming if it hadn't been about romance... "Right..." I grumbled and scanned the bar-code and checked the book out to her. "And the other book?" I glanced to Rose's friend.

"She's Juleka Coffaine!" Rose said excitedly, "She wants that horror book."

I couldn't help but crack a small smile, "Horror huh?" I began checking the book out to her.

Juleka looked down shyly, "It's my favorite genre," she murmured.

"Have you ever tried sci-fi horror?" I asked her as I handed her her book. She shook her head, "They're pretty fun, if you can find them."

Juleka smiled as she accepted her book back.

"Thank you!!" Rose said excitedly and grabbed her book with paw prints.

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