22. When I Say My Bag Has Everything, THAT INCLUDES FIREWORKS

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Sorry guys! New years is kinda a busy time!! Sorry this is coming out so late!! But hey, as of where I am in the world, it still came out on Monday so... Yay? I hope everyone had a nice passing of the year. I'm not a night owl and went to bed so yeah. 

Not going to lie, the ending I have for this chapter is completely improvised, but it's actually perfect because I've been needing to squeeze that in there somewhere, and when this chapter was coming up a little short, and UGH It was so perfect to just plop it here. Only difference between this version and the original plan I had for the chapter was originally you guys were supposed to end with a much more cheerful and playful note, and well... Hahahaha this clearly isn't that. Please enjoy!

Note: Yeah, yeah, I know that technically the project was supposed to be on Particle physics but like, really? The entire class is going to make a project on the same thing? I'm going to take an artistic licence and assume that actually each group could pick a different thing to do a project on. Just pretend this is like a mid-semester/trimester review or something


"Oh! Look at that!" Mme Dubois said excitedly as an influx of students suddenly swamped the library. "Looks like it's that time of year again! Science project time!" she nudged me in anticipation. "Félix! Would you like to man the check out desk, or help out the students?"

She proposed the options as if I were choosing between manning a canon, or sword fighting pirate invaders. AKA, a matter of life or death in an adventure movie.

Upon seeing Paws enter the library, I answered her, "I think the students..." however, I didn't share her enthusiasm, cuz, well, this was a library? Not, like, a ship at sea being invaded by pirates?

"Ahhh yes!!" she gave a little hop, "Great choice!! I think I'll go help them myself! Where's Théo? He can do check out!" Mme Dubois turned around and went to check the back room for Théo.

I stared after her completely bewildered. Fuko hovered next to my head equally as baffled, "She's sure easy to excite," she commented.

"Félix!" Someone hugged me from behind.

"Oh hey Paws," I glanced down at him, "Let me guess, you want my advice?"

Paws let go of me and nodded eagerly, and immediately began explaining all the details of his project, something about Newton's laws of motion.

When he began rambling about all the cool ideas he had for demonstrating these laws however, I cut him off, "Okay okay, how about we actually find your references first?" I led him to the science section.

"Oh," Paws scratched the back of his head and laughed nervously, "Right!"

As I was selecting a few books that I thought would aid him, I couldn't help but think of Nathaniel who had been coming into the library because of his troubles with science. "Who's uh, Nathaniel in a group with?" I asked, since Paws had mentioned being with Nino and Alya.

Paws thought about it for a second, "I think he's with Rose and Juleka," he answered. "Oh, could you potentially help us with the actual project too?" Paws asked me.

"Sure," I agreed. Uh oh. Not that those two girls weren't smart, they were. I just wasn't sure any of them were very strong in the science department. I'd have to find a way to help out Nathaniel once I found the time. I wondered where he was. Hopefully I'd bump into him while helping Paws pick his references.

"Ugh! What do you mean you're not doing my assignment?!" I almost instantly recognized Chloe's voice, and found her harassing Marinette and the other girl... Ah yes, Sabrina.

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