33. 16 Hours of Sleep and I'm STILL Tired

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Wow, I'm almost at 1.5K views! I know it's nothing compared to a lot of fics on here, but it's a lot more than I ever thought possible for me to achieve! Thank you everyone so much! Especially for those who have stuck it out this long! only three more chapters to go before I kick it into high gear and start the special 4-part finale! I may or may not release it in pairs, depends on how much writing I get done for it. Granted, because I've already given the finale a lot of though, I already have huge chunks of it written out on another doc that I did MONTHS ago (no seriously) 

Again, thank you everyone so much! 


You would think that a phone ringing loudly right next to my ear would've woken me up at ten-thirty in the morning, after I zonked out for close to fourteen hours now. Nope. It was Fuko who woke up in alarm, and screeched hideously in my ear before shredding the bed sheets she had been laying on.

I was still wearing my blazer, and all my normal street clothes. You know, I don't think I've ever been transformed for that long before. I didn't even bother changing into pijamas once getting back to the apartment. Boy was I glad I was no longer with my mom or Claude.

"Fuko," I muttered sleepily, "Shut up." I lazily lifted up the phone to see who it was. Hopefully it wasn't anybody important and I could get back to sleeping my Sunday away.

Ah. Paws. I groaned, pushing myself to my elbows and answered it, "Hello."

"You sound awful," Paws noted.

"Transforming sucks, please don't ask me to do it again," I grumbled rubbing my temple. "Do you need anything?" I asked.

"I thought you were coming over today, but now it's been an hour and half and I got worried," Paws explained.

What? I was supposed to be there today? "What did I say we were going to do again?"

"You sure you're okay?" he asked.

"Just be glad your miraculous isn't phony. Now seriously," I sat up in bed and reached for a comb to straighten my hair, "what are supposed to do again?"

"Something about a cello?" Paws reminded me, "Oh! Also, I need to write an essay and I've kind of been stuck..."

"Alright, I'll be over soon," I yawned into the phone, "Just let me go get some coffee and inject it into my bloodstream."

Paws laughed at that comment, "See you soon!" He agreed before hanging up.

I rubbed my eyes now. I still didn't know exactly if the exhaustion that came from transforming was from Fuko, me, or an accumulation of both of us.

"Alright Fuko, get up," I nudged her. She had already fallen back asleep.

Fuko grumbled sleepily, "Five more... hours?" she asked.

"Come on," I picked her up and draped her on my shoulder where she kept on snoozing. Honestly five more hours felt like a compromise, maybe eight would be better.

I wondered how Paws and Laces dealt with transformations. They never seemed to have any ill-effects afterwards. Ugh. The lucky ones.

As I made sure I had everything I needed in my bag, I found the Ladybug doll that had been such the cause of the kerfuffle yesterday. I needed to get it back to Laces at some point. I was partially certain that it was hers? Wow, I really needed some caffeine. TO A CAFÉ!


The coffee was finally starting to have some effect, not that the café's peaceful environment was very helpful. I could nod off here just as easily as on the bed. I took to focusing on minute details around me to keep myself awake long enough to finish the coffee.

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