38. Goatee Man

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Finale part 2


My body felt stiff and I could feel a cold wooden floor beneath me. Had I been laying there all night? I wouldn't be surprised. It would certainly explain the stiffness.

I tried calling out to Fuko, wondering if she was okay only to find myself gagged. Brilliant, gagged and blindfolded. Gee this must've been a kidnapping, guess I can cross getting kidnapped off the bucket list. Not that I ever wanted to find out what it was like, but I'll admit a part of me had always been curious.

My head began clearing finally and I remembered the previous night's events. I tried wriggling and found that, surprise surprise, both my hands and feet were bound by rope. By the way my wrists ached I figured they must've tightened and retightened the ropes multiple times. The kidnappers were not making this easy. My ankles were also tied, and my hands were behind my back. Any, if not most, tricks I knew about escaping being bound wouldn't work. I also couldn't see anything, being blindfolded.

How long had I been unconscious exactly? How had those people known that if they made Fuko pass out, I would too? Wait a second, if I was coming to, so would Fuko. Where was she? Now that I thought about it, I realized she must still be back where I had gotten nabbed in the first place. I doubted any of these guys could see her, so they would have no way of bringing her too.

With a groan, I pushed myself up to kneeling position so that I wouldn't be quite so vulnerable.

"Good morning," I heard an unfamiliar voice, "I wasn't expecting you to be out for so long, of course I suppose we had used a fairly large dosage for such a small cat, you couldn't help it. It was Fuko's fault, as always."

He even knew Fuko's name?

Footsteps approached me. I would've made a sarcastic comment but with the gag I could barely even breathe through my mouth.

The person took off my blindfold, and then released my gag. "You can scream all you want but no one will hear you," he informed me, "We're in an isolated house."

"Sure sure, that's why you had me gagged, even though no one can hear me," I snapped at him, "Either that or you kidnap on a regular basis and you find screaming hostages annoying."

"Shut it!" The man yelled at me.

"But like, what's the point? I've been unconscious this entire time, and as soon as I wake up you take it off of me. I can get putting it onto me while I'm unable to fight back, but if the purpose was to keep me silent why take it off?"

The man slapped me, "You are a hostage!! You are under my mercy! You will not speak to me in such a manner!"

My cheek stung, so I angrily snapped back, "Then you should've have left the gag on! This is your first time kidnapping isn't it?"

Furious, the man pulled out a pocket knife and held it to my throat. I would've been terrified but his goatee was so hilarious that I couldn't take him seriously.

"Do not tempt me!" He hissed through his teeth.

I glared at him defiantly but this time said nothing. The more I annoyed him the less chance I'd find out what he wanted.

The man gritted his teeth and put the knife away. He paced the darkened room restlessly. I really wish he'd open some windows, it was awfully musty.

"So do I get hostage rights?" I finally asked when he walked by me for the seventh time.

He snapped his gaze at me, "Hostages don't have rights!" he yelled.

I shrugged, "Sure they do, shouldn't I at least know why I was kidnapped?"

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