19. I Can't Believe I'm Doing This

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Hey hey! Looks like I was right about the hiatus! Honestly, I'm glad it's physically impossible to drown in homework because if it were I'd be deeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad. 

Hiatus is not over, I still have a few weeks left in the semester and we all know how stressful finals are, but I figured I might as well attempt to finish up this chapter during my first/only break this semester (for real, I didn't have a fall break, Thanksgiving break IS my fallbreak ;-;) 

I'll try to pick things back up during my Winter Break! As far as next semester, my schedule looks worse than before, in terms of class scheduling and homework. So I'm not sure if I'll go on hiatus again, or release chapters as completed, etc etc. The good news is though, this specific chapter was driving me up a wall, I had absolutely zero drive to write it, and it's only here for future character growth. Luckily, I do have more drive for later chapters, so I don't think those will be as hard for me to write, nor take as long. 

How did I finally write this chapter you ask? Wonderful question! I watched Coco yesterday! which, if you couldn't guess by the trailers, is heavy on musical passion (which this chapter is also about music (so if you don't know your music terms, have google on standby and ready!)) But it gave me the inspiration I needed to tidy up and finish this chapter! So Hooray for Coco!

Quick review from me about Coco! As a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig The Book of Life fan, I can assuredly say, this movie is NOTHING like it. Yes, they hold similar themes and story telling devices, but the messages both movies tell are completely different and the journey the hero goes through, is also different. I genuinely LOVED this movie! I'm going to try to see it again today before I get washed up in school again and lose the chance to watch it in theaters one more time. The animation was stunning! The plot twists done well and in a non-cliché way, very touching and sweet! My two favorite characters would have to be Hector (Oh my goodness, Hector is everything I've ever wanted in a male character!) and Dante. Dante did something in the movie that my own dog does all the time and I was cackling so hard!! I have a beagle, and beagles are pretty food-driven (that's why a lot of them are fat), and usually when we catch her eating something she's not supposed to, she'll freeze, and then start hoarking it down faster haha! Guess what Dante did in the movie?

Anyways, here's the chapter!


Paws kept waving his hands around in the, doing exaggerated gestures, and even jumping up excitedly at times. He was telling me about the latest akuma while we walked to his house. "It was so amazing Félix!" he insisted.

As I watched him explain, I couldn't help but smile a little. "Sounds like it," I replied, not being sarcastic with the phrase for once.

Paws looked at me and grinned.

For all of my criticism of handing over a miraculous of destruction to a teenager with raging hormones, I was actually glad Paws was Chat Noir. It suited him, and made him very happy. Clearly, superheroing around Paris gave him a freedom he wouldn't have otherwise, and I could tell he loved every second of it.

Paws tilted his head curiously, still smiling, "Why are you smiling?" he asked me. We stopped walking as we had reached the front gate of his house.

The weird eyeball camera popped out of the wall and did a quick check, "Enter," Natalie commanded as the gates opened.

"I'm glad you're Chat Noir," I told him as we walked to the main entrance.

Paws' eyes shone, "Really?"

"Yeah," I affirmed, "You do a good job. Now if only your English skills were just as good as your French..." I teased.

"Oh come on! You know I have high grades in English! Plus, I have bragging rights even you don't have! I can speak Mandarin Chinese!" Paws pranced around me cockily in the mansion's entrance.

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