If he did

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The plan was for my parents to keep paying for us if we go to school. We will only be their the final year but we could get grades to get a job. I mean it's what normal people do and me and Simon aren't dumb I'm sure we would do well. We left last year but Americans do school weird.

Now after school ends hopefully mine or Simons parents would come around and take us back in. Now all that went fine until as it turns out Simons parents  need to give him permission. My parents are working on them right now.

I don't see why they would have a problem with it other than their deep hated for Simon because he fucks dudes.

I don't understand that at all. I don't understand why my parents are like it just not as bad.

I haven't got a problem with Simon and he's seen me naked. I mean it's not as if he's attracted to me anyway and he don't do shit to make me uncomfortable like trying to kiss me. Other than the one time when he was dared at a party when we was 14. It was one of the first times he got super wasted and didn't know what he was doing, back then we got wasted so easily.

I wonder if Simon knew back then. Would he have went through with the dare if he did?

I mean thinking about it if I was gay we would make a good couple. Not that I am but thinking about it. We can be ourselves sprung each other, well I can around him and now Simon knows he can be around me. We've been friends for years, if he was a girl I would totally date him. Not that anyone needs to know that. He might get the wrong idea and I wouldn't want him to think I'm leading him on or anything.

That would be the worse.

Authors note

Remember to ask questions for my character Q&A so I don't feel like a loser if nobody does. I like to feel loved.

Hugs, kisses and peace ✌🏻

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