Calm Down

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"Lou, come on!" Daphne shouted from outside the door.

"You promised me Butterbeer!" Blaise yelled.

It's 9 in the morning and my room is still covered in ice. The snow stopped but icicles appeared on my walls. My eyes were puffy and my nose was red. Today's the Hogsmeade trip but I guess I won't be going.

I faked a cough and shouted, "I can't go! Sorry!"

"Why?!" Blaise exclaimed.

"I'm sick! I'll treat you next time, Ace! I promise!"

They groaned and Daphne said, "Ok! Feel better!"

When I heard footsteps signaling them leaving, I sighed. What am I gonna do? I was already wearing gloves, so why won't it disappear?! I heard a knock on the door and my Dad's voice.

"Sweetheart, I heard you were sick. May I come in?" He asked.

I didn't answer. Instead, I stood up and put my hand over the door knob. I turned it and slightly opened the door. Wide-enough that he won't see my room.

"I'm fine, Dad. Just a little headache." I told him.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

To be honest, I can't lie to him. I need help and he's the only perosn who knows about my powers and how to help me.

"No. Dad, I need help." I said.

"With what?"

I said nothing. Instead, I pulled him inside and showed him my room. My ice-covered room.

"What hppened?" He asked, shocked.

"I don't know. When I woke up, it was the usual ice-covered room. Then, after taking a bath, it became worse. It snowed earlier but it stopped now. I wore my gloves but it won't disappear. Dad, help me." I explained, crying.

"It's okay, sweetheart. I'm going to help you through this. Ok?" He said. I nodded

He tried to hug me but I moved away and shouted, "No! Don't touch me! I don't want to hurt you."

More icicles formed on my walls and on the ceiling. I'm scared!

"Calm down, Lou. Just calm down. Don't be scared. Just calm down." Dad said.

I breathed in and out and the icicles started to disapper and my room was ice free.

"It's gone." I said.

"Because you calmed down. When you're furious, scared or nervous, it may worsen. You need to calm down." He explained.

I nodded and hugged him tight.

"Thanks, Dad." I muttered.

"You're welcome, Sweetheart." He said, hugging me back.

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