Chapter 57: Reyna

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"Castor, what happened?"

I stared at the trembling Wine in front of me. Jason was sitting at the table, across from him, while I stood next to my husband.

Our court meeting had been interrupted by his visit. I had no idea why a member of Lord Dionysus' family would be here, and I was curious to find out.

"It was horrible," The boy sobbed. "I don't know how it started. All I know is that suddenly, all the slaves were attacking!"

"The slaves?" Jason asked, astonished.

Castor nodded. "I saw them from my window. Most of them were fighting in the garden, but others were attacking guards right in the clearing! They were using whatever weapons they could find. I saw a woman strangle someone with a clothing line!"

"Then what happened?" I asked.

"They came for us," Castor sobbed. "They came right into our manor, and grabbed my family and I. Then they brought us to the feet of some boy, who I assumed was their leader. He asked my father something, but I forgot what it was. Then he threw my family into a cart!"

"How did you escape, Castor?" I asked.

"My ropes were loose," He sniffed. "I managed to wiggle out of them and run. I should've freed the rest of my family, but I was too scared."

"No one's blaming you, Castor," I comforted him.

"And my sister?" Jason asked. "What happened to her?"

"She's with my family," He sobbed. "In the cart."

Jason and I looked at each other. They had the princess. That was bad for all of Rome.

"Okay, Castor," Jason said. "We'll get your family back. For now, how about you stay in one of our guestrooms, okay?"

Castor nodded, and Jason snapped his fingers. A slave came over and took Castor out of the room.

"A slave revolution," Jason sighed. "That's exactly what I need right now."

"A bunch of gladiators, too," I said. "The most dangerous type of slave there is."

"And they have my sister," Jason said.

"Yup," I replied.

"Their numbers can't be too high," He said. "Our legion will be able to wipe them out, no problem."

"You'll have to find them first," I replied. "They could be in Greece by now. If Castor walked here, this must've happened at least two weeks ago."

"And their army could've grown, too," He stated.

We were silent for a couple of seconds. The only sound filling the room was the pitter-patter of the rain on the roof.

"I'm going to wait until they strike somewhere," Jason said. "Then I'll track them from there."

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