Chapter 64: Hazel

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I was scared.

Not for myself. I was fine, locked in a roomy cell with my family. Furs covered the ground, giving us a soft place to lie down on.

No, I was terrified for Frank.

I hadn't seen the man I loved since the battle started. He had been with me when the horns sounded, and he had kissed me before running down to join the battle. For all I knew, he was dead, lying on the ground of the courtyard.

I quickly shook the thought from my head. It was too painful to think about.

The back of the wagon was open, so I could see all the people celebrating their victory. I now knew that they were escaped slaves. Music was playing, and they were chatting and dancing.

I recognized Calypso, who was dancing with a scrawny boy who was looking at her like she was his entire world. I searched for her, but I couldn't see Annabeth. She must be with the black-haired boy.

I couldn't help but feel betrayed when I saw Annabeth with him, but I had lost the feeling awhile ago. I imagined being in her shoes, seeing Frank again after who knows how long apart. I'd probably act the same way she did.

The slaves celebrated for a long time, and I felt my eyes grow heavy. Before long, I was asleep.


I awoke to my wagon moving.

The back was closed, so I couldn't see where we were going. I had no choice but to lean against the walls of the cell.

Hours went by. The rest of my family sat in silence. My thoughts kept returning to Frank, and the battle. I had watched it through my window, and had not seen him.

The slaves who had brought me to Annabeth's lover had gently tied my hands together and led me to him after I put up no resistance. I knew that if our positions had been reversed, and they were Romans, they wouldn't have treated me as kindly as they did.

I sighed and laid back down, hoping to get some more sleep before we arrived at whatever our destination was.

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