Who's Your Best Friend?

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I was walking down the hall when I saw Robert. "Rob! Roby!" I yell. He kept walking like he couldn't hear me. "Robert!" I ran up behind him and grab his arm. I turn him around to face me. "Are you deaf or something?" I snap, looking him over. He was wearing a blue long-sleeve button-down shirt with a few buttons undone. He had on a pair of black slacks and black dress shoes. "Are you going on another date with that guy?"

"Yes, I am. He's great." He looks around, not meeting my eyes.

"If he's so great then why haven't I met him yet?" I was beginning to wonder how deep in the closet this other guy was. He wouldn't even give me a name.

"It's not time yet." He narrows his eyes at me.

"Can I at least know his name?" I whine.

"No," Rob shakes his head.

"Robert, I want to know my best friend's boyfriend's name!" I put my hands on my hips.

"I want to make sure he is serious before I introduced him to you." He let out an exhausted sigh.

"I meet your other boyfriends right away!" I stoop my feet.

"This time it's different!" He yells. I stood there shocked. Robert never yelled at me before, even when I scream and cuss him out. He stood there waiting until I was done and talk calmly to me.

"Roby," I whisper.

"I got to go." He hurries away, not making eye contact with me. I watch him walk away. When he was out of sight, I walk to the Ravenclaw's doorway.

"Two fathers and two sons went duck hunting. Each shot a duck but they shot only three ducks in all, how come?" The portrait asks.

"The hunters were a man, his son, and his grandson," I answer. The door swings open. I walk into the common room where Cho Chang and Marietta Edgecombe were sitting.

"What are you doing here?" Chang stood up from her seat.

"Looking for Luna," I roll my eyes.

"How did you get in here?" Edgecombe stands up too.

"What you think only you guys know how to solve a riddle?" I let out a bitter laugh.

"Didn't think a Slytherin was smart enough?" Edgecombe mocks my laugh.

"Slytherins are twice as smart as you Ravenclaws. The difference is we are more than that. We are cunning, ambitious, resourceful, and the list goes on and on." I count the traits with my fingers.

"There's also arrogant, self-righteous and evil. NOW GET OUT!" Edgecombe mocks me again by counting with her fingers.

"Why don't you make me?" I took a step closer to her. She reaches into her pocket for her wand, making me do the same.

"No Nicole!" Luna yells from the top of the staircase.

"Hey Luna, let's get out of here." I turn to her. I glare at Edgecombe as we walk out. "Did you know that Rob is going on another date with the mystery boy?" I ask her.

"He still didn't tell you who he is yet?" She shook her head as if she was disappointed in him.

"You know?" I stop in the middle of the hall.

"It's not that big of a deal." She sighs and kept walking.

"Who is he?" I hope she would tell me since he wouldn't.

"Nicole, you know I can't tell you that. It's his news to tell." She scolds me.

"I know, it's just I don't understand why he won't tell me." I groan.

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