The Mystery Man

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"Everyone gathers around." Slughorn waves us all over.

I walked by the table that had potions sitting on it. Draco wraps his arms around my waist and rests his head on my shoulder. Weasley was glaring at me from across the room. I roll my eyes. "You better not be rolling your eyes at me." Draco hisses in my ear.

"It's not you." I glare back at Weasley.

Draco looks around the room. A smirk took over his face, "Weasley."

"He's got issues." I didn't know if I should be worried about his hatred for me, especially since the potion spill.

"Just sic Blaise on him." His tone was playful, but his face was serious.

"I can take care of him." I was a witch, not some helpless damsel in distress.

"I'm sure you can." He nuzzles his face into my neck.

"What about that one, Professor?" A girl points at the last potion on the table.

"This is a love potion." He took the lid off. The smell hit me, making my knees weak. If Draco wasn't holding me, I probably would have fallen. "Can anyone explain what it does?" Slughorn asks the class. Hermione starts talking, but I wasn't paying attention. I wanted to get closer to the smell. It smelt like chocolate, cologne, and right after it rains. I push Draco off me, making him groan. I walk slowly towards the potion. Professor Slughorn slams the cover back on, the scent leaving me suddenly made me jump. I walk back to Draco, embarrassed.

"What I have here is called liquid lucky." Slughorn took out a test tube from his pocket. "With one sip of this, anything you want to do can happen. The first one to finish making this potion will get liquid luck. Now get to work." He points to the board that told us what page the living dead potion was on. Draco ran to a cauldron. I walked to one, looking through the book to find the page, and started working.

 I walked to one, looking through the book to find the page, and started working

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My cauldron hit me in the face with an orange mist. I growl, looking around the room. Draco was furiously chopping something. Everyone looked frustrated except Potter who was happily stirring his potion. I laugh at the other girls. Their hair was a mess, clothes were wrinkled, and their faces were flush. I stopped laughing when I thought, if they look like then what do I look like? I pull out a mirror from my bag. I found that I look the same as them. I sigh, running a hand through my hair.

"Oh, we have a winner. Harry Potter!" Slughorn yells. "Here is liquid luck, just like I promised." He gave the potion to Potter. Draco got his stuff and stormed out with Parkinson on his heels. I gather my things before walking out.

"Lopes!" Weasley yells. I groan, turning around to see a paler than normal Weasley. For a while, he stares at his feet.

"What?" I snap. What could he possibly want from me, hasn't he done enough?

"You're bleeding," Weasley points down at my legs.

I looked down to see that my left thigh was bleeding through my bandages. "Shit," I hiss, turning to go find a bathroom.

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