Qudditch Fever

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I was lying on the ground trying to get as much air into my lungs as possible. "Here have some water." Blaise hands me a bottle. I sat up, snatching it from him, and gulped it down.

"If you get this drained from practice then you'll never make it in a game." James hiss as he hovers over me.

"In a game, I'm not going to need to do 40 laps, push-ups, sit-ups, and all those other dumb drills." I glare at him as I resist the urge to throw the water bottle at him.

"No, but quidditch games can go on for hours. That's hours of chasing after the snitch while dodging bludgers. You need stamina, something that you don't have. Something you need to develop in the next few days. SO GET UP!" He grabs my arm and roughly pulls me to my feet. A broom was shoved into my chest. "Don't just stand there, get in the air!"

I let out a dramatic sigh as I got on my broom and joined the others in the air. "I told them a girl wouldn't be able to handle quidditch." Theodore Nott snorts. He flies circles around me. "I can't go faster, I might mess up my hair!" He screams in a shrill high pitched voice.

"I caught the snitch every time that it was let out, while you have let the quaffle in the hoop 20 times out of 25." I remind him. I flinch as he flies right in front of me, hissing in my face. "It's good to have house pride, but you're taking it too far." I gag at the stench of his breath.

"Stop playing around and get ready. I'm going to let out the snitch again and we are going to try out play 12. Nott try not to let the quaffle get in again." James, who was now up in the air with us, gave out orders. I bark out a laugh as Notts look ready to spit out fire. He sneers at me before flying over to try to defend the hoops.

This time I decided to give the snitch a head start to make it more of a challenge, after counting to ten I took off after it. I went higher than the rest of them, looking around for the golden ball. I went around the quidditch field a few times scanning the area. I curse when I see that it was by the hoops, I speed over there. I will be damn if Notts grab it out of spite. The snitch went through one of the hoops and I followed it. I push my broom up to avoid both the quaffle and Notts bat. I felt the air from the quaffle just missing my back as I dive down for the snitch. I cursed, it was my luck that he would be able to block it when I'm in the dangerous zone. I had to stretch out my whole body to the point that I was laying down on the broom to grab the snitch by the ends of one of its wings. As I pull it closer to me I use my other hand to get a better hold of it. I went back to the ground to put the snitch back in its case.

I let out an amused chuckle when the Gryffindor quidditch team walked on the field. "Get off the field you guys have been out here for four hours already!" Harry cups his hands over his mouth to make his voice louder. In seconds, all the Slytherins were on the ground.

"Are you going to make me?" James got in his face.

"Come on, you've been booking the field for every opening that you can. There are other teams you know." Harry shook his head in frustration.

"Hey, I have a new seeker." He waves his hand in my direction. They turn to stare at me in shock.

"I didn't know you guys allow girls on your team, especially such a prissy one." Ginny Weasley looked me up and down in distaste.

I swallowed the comment of how her brother couldn't keep his hands off this prissy girl instead I went for an equal as pity comment. "We figure since you guys had one, we could too."

"Are you calling me prissy?" She let out a sarcastic laugh. I roll my eyes, I don't care if she had a billion brothers she still likes dressing up and wearing make-up. In my book that meant she wasn't some tough tomboy, she was portraying herself to be.

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