Way Out

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Cerys' P.O.V:

"Right, I have to be somewhere but I'll be back soon. Stay here" Joe told me as he began to walk towards the door of his house. "Like I can go anywhere else" I murmured sarcastically before he slammed the door shut behind him.

I had no idea where he was going because he never told me and he wouldn't tell me either. I watched him leave, then I strolled into the kitchen.

I sighed as I walked back and forth around the kitchen. I was so bored and I was wondering what to do. I know! I'll try and escape! I walked around the big- ish sized house, looking for a way out. I checked both the front and the back door but they were both locked. "Typical".

Considering he was the only one that lived in this house, it was quite big. There was 3 bedrooms and 3 floors. Most of the walls were white but some were light blue or beige.

His house was freezing but I guess vampires don't need warmth because they are cold blooded so they would be used to it. I looked in all the rooms at every window individually to see if they were unlocked. None of them were, but one of them in a bedroom upstairs seemed to be slightly broken. "Yes!" This could help if I found something to pry it open with.

I ran downstairs around all the rooms, rummaging through cupboards and drawers, making sure I put everything back where I found it neat and tidily. Luckily I found a toolbox in the cupboard under the stairs. I dragged it out and blew away the dust that was resting on the box. I shut the cupboard door and hauled the big box upstairs to the room with the slightly broken window.

I got a chisel out of the box and put it to the gap in the side of the window, pushing down on it so that the window would move upwards. It had just made a big enough gap for me to fit a claw hammer underneath which was much bigger and stronger than the chisel. I pried the window open and sighed with relief. I put the tools back in the box beneath me and held open the window with a pencil I found.

I walked back downstairs, putting the tool box away in the cupboard where I found it. I jogged back upstairs and opened the window again, looking down outside. I gasped as I looked down at the floor outside. It was a long way down and I don't really like heights, but I knew I had to jump out.

I heard the door slam shut which made me jump. "Cerys I'm back! Where are you love?" He asked, calling for me. "Shit!" I cursed and quickly sat on the window ledge. I heard Joe rummaging around downstairs, probably looking for me. I had to be quick. I took a deep breath and looked down to the floor outside. I had to jump now or it would be too late. This is my only chance, my only shot of escaping.

"It's now or never" I said to myself before gasping and jumping out of the window. It was a rush of adrenaline that lasted only a matter of seconds but felt great. I put my hands out to keep my balance when I jumped down but my arm caught on a wooden fence making me bleed all down my arm. "Ouch!" I shouted holding in tears. Blood was gushing down my arm

"Sugar" I said quietly. Blood wasn't good near vampires. I have to get out of here quick before Joe comes out and smells the blood. I ran as fast as I could out of the garden and down the road. I looked at the sign post at the side of the road telling me where I was. It was a street right at the other side of the forest. I would have to go all the way through the forest to get to the lake where we were before I was brought here, then I would have to trek home. It's going to take ages!


I started to run through the forest trying not to waist time. It was already dark in the forest because of all the trees so I didn't want to be in complete and total darkness. I was freezing cold and scared and tired because of all the running I was doing.

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