Chapter Twenty-Four

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Ashleigh's point of view-

As I lay in my bed, so many questions ran through my head, why would Mitch do this to me? How long has he had this other girl? Did he actually ever love me? As I was thinking about all this I heard a knock on my door,
"Who is it?" I questioned.
"Um... can I come in?" Mitch replied.
"Please! I need to explain myself!" he was upset. I didn't say a thing but yet he walked in. He sat at on my desk chair and faced me, this was the first time I had seen how beaten up he is,
"Explain.." I said quietly. He looked at me and I noticed a tear start to fall down his face,
"I actually need you to explain first.." he trailed off.
What do I need to explain?! I'm not the one cheating on people,
"What the crap does that mean?!"
"I don't actually know what has happened in the past few hours.." he explained calmly.
"GET OUT!!!" I screamed as I pointed at the door.

He walked out with his head hanging low, I felt bad but I didn't believe a word he had just said. Once again I was thinking about a lot of things, was he telling the truth? Does he seriously not understand what has happened? As I was thinking about this stuff I slowly drifted to sleep.

I woke up tied to a chair, where am I?! I heard someone speak,
"Now I've got you! No one to protect you!"
"NO! NO! I HAVE MATTIE AND JEROME!!" I wasn't going to say Mitch as we are fighting.
"Don't you remember?! You told them to leave?! You stopped trusting anyone half a year ago!!" I heard my father’s voice, I felt a tear stream down my face, is this actually true? I heard footsteps in front of me, I looked expecting to see my father but seeing Mitch??
"Help me! Please..." he looked at me and frowned.
"I don't believe I have permission to talk to you!" he said walking away. I burst into tears. For the first time I didn't hear anyone screaming my name. Not a single person what had I done?!

I sat up. Few, just a dream. I realized I was still crying. I ran out of my bedroom and over to Mitch's. I flung the door open and ran in,
"Who is that?" he had obviously woken up just then.
"I-it's ash..." I trailed off. He turned the lamp next to him on and looked at me,
"Don't you hate me??" he looked confused.
"I want you to explain or me to explain or whatever.."
"YOU'VE BEEN CRYING!!" He sat up.
"Y-yes. I don't want to lose you all"
As I explained to him what happened he started getting mad,
"THAT'S MY EX GIRLFRIEND!" He said angrily.

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