Chapter Twenty-Six

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Ashleigh's point of view-

I screamed at the top of my lungs. I felt something push against my leg and something warm drip down my leg not long after,
"Shut up or I'll do worse next time!" the voice said.
"W-who, who are you?!" I managed to say through the pain.
"Take a guess" I couldn't tell who it was, all I knew is it was someone that I know quite well as I knew their voice so well, "I-I don't know who you are" the lights flicked on and my dad came up beside me,
"Was it not obvious!?" he shouted, "I've been tracking you and Matt down all my life! if it weren't for you I would have both my amazing wife and my caring son! But you" he pointed the knife my throat, "you had to come and ruin everything."

I started to cry as I felt anything Mattie had ever told me to not blame myself for came rushing back. My heart felt like it was pouring out everywhere. I burst into tears,
"WOSS!! You’re the one that has ruined three lives! You ruined three lives in one day! One of those lives you took away!" I rolled my head over,
"I DIDN'T MEAN TOO!!" I screamed. I felt something jab into my leg, this was worse than the first time, I let out a little yelp but held as much of the scream in,
"I warned you!"
"What are you going to do with me!?" I questioned.
"Ruin your life! Just like you ruined everyone else's lives!" he glared at me "I'm even going to ruin your friend’s lives! By sending them horrible videos of you every day!" when he said this I burst into tears, "And if they ever come to save you.." he pulled up his knife again and I got the message.

"Let's start this routine shall we??" he turned on a camera and put it on its stand facing me, "Hello boys! This is what happens when you hide her from me for a year! If you want to keep your lives, I wouldn't come looking for her! You’ll just make things worse for everyone!"
He turned the camera off and went to his computer to send it to the boys. Oh how I wish I had done something other than sob in that video, at least warn them not to come!

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